MovieChat Forums > The Pianist (2003) Discussion > movies that are very good but you don't ...

movies that are very good but you don't want to see again

this is one of mine. another is children of men. both are so grim, almost painful to watch. maybe also stalingrad, although it isn't as good a film as the other two. watching all 3 in a row would require prozac.


Revolutionary Road


Just read through everyone's posts. My 2 films have been mentioned.

Se7en - the scene where the the guy is forced to have sex with his girlfriend, and at the end, as they walk towards the camera, carrying the box. Once seen, NEVER forgotten, and very nightmare provoking.

Deer Hunter - yes, me too - the Russian Roulette scene. Dreadful.

The Pianist is on now, and I found when they lifted the old man in the wheelchair over the balcony was shocking. Not sure I'll watch it to the end!


Just read through everyone's posts. My 2 films have been mentioned.

Se7en - the scene where the the guy is forced to have sex with his girlfriend, and at the end, as they walk towards the camera, carrying the box. Once seen, NEVER forgotten, and very nightmare provoking.

Deer Hunter - yes, me too - the Russian Roulette scene. Dreadful.

The Pianist is on now, and I found when they lifted the old man in the wheelchair over the balcony was shocking. Not sure I'll watch it to the end!


Deer Hunter, Dallas Buyers Club, Awakenings


I just finished watching The Pianist, I shouldn't have. Now I feel so sad and sick I can't go to sleep.
I don't ever want to watch Schindler's list or Sophie's choice again, also Savior. I'm sure there are some more but can't remember right now.


"To End All Wars"

It was incredibly moving and thought provoking.

I wouldn't watch it again if you paid me.


Requiem of a dream


Oddly I think it would be easier to watch this the second time. I just watched it for the first time and it was almost unbearable at times. But knowing what happens does reduce the pain / tension a little.


It's funny. I've seen the the most disturbing and emotionally-exhausting films ever made, but I refuse to see "Once Were Warriors" for a second time, perhaps because of how depressing it leaves me and also how much reality it portrays in the country of my residence, New Zealand.


Cidade de Deus (City of God) - An excellent film but once was, strangely, enough. I don't do 'gritty realism' on DVD...

21 Grams - Monumentally depressing film. Absolutely no light hearted moments, nothing really that memorable though I do remember that it was a powerful and engaging movie.

Road to Perdition - High expectations didn't disappoint but, again, this is not a must-buy-on-DVD flick. Nothing worth repetition in it.

Ben Hur - A great epic, like Gladiator, but unlike the latter (which I can watch again and again and again) this has no stirring power; no particularly memorable lines, music, action scenes (apart from the final chariot race) or atmosphere.

Låt den rätte komma in (Let the right one in) - Superior to 'Tween-light' in almost every way as a comparable vampire film except one - this'll sell fewer DVDs. Brilliant but rather too quiet, ponderous and depressing to merit repeat viewings.



That's so arrogant...that's...screw off.


children of men is so good. seen it many times.

how about 'i stand alone'....tough flick to watch even once


Atonement, so hauntingly beautiful and so depressing... also Saving Private Ryan, and Revolutionary Road.
