What's your all time favorite animated film?
anything from pixar to anime to classic disney, what is you favorite animated film?
shareanything from pixar to anime to classic disney, what is you favorite animated film?
There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west
Howl's Moving Castle
Having an opinion can save your life. Just ask Marvin.
The Emperor's New Groove
Kid on bike "Where you going?"
Charlie Bright "Somewhere".
Grave of The Fireflies
Iron Giant
Watership Down
Disney: Beauty and the Beast (also one of my favorite films period).
Pixar: The Incredibles
Stop Motion animation: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Dreamworks: Shrek 2
Fox animation: The Simpsons Movie (how this didn't even get nominated for an Oscar is troubling to me)
Whatever the weather my ass! It's hot as hell out here!
Well...Hard Question
Classic Disney:The Lion King
Anime:Akira or This
But if I had to choose from among these three I would choose The Lion King.
Disney: The Emperor's New Groove
Pixar: Ratatouille
Universal: The Secret Life of Pets
Dreamworks: Shrek
Stop motion: Chicken Run
Kid on bike "Where you going?"
Charlie Bright "Somewhere".
I despise Pixar, but Waking Life is superb. Try if you haven't already.