MovieChat Forums > Pay It Forward (2000) Discussion > Is it possible to watch it and DON'T cry...

Is it possible to watch it and DON'T cry?

Is it just me or Pay it Forward is one of the saddest movies ever?? Trevor's death is just devastating, just remembering it kinda makes me sob.. and I think that this was a great movie, quite underrated in my opinion..


I cried. I didn't cry as much as I did when I watched 'The Champ' though!


You bunch of sissies


While some of the film annoyed me, for example where Kevin Spacey sobs the history of his childhood and how he got his scars (I thought that could have been done a lot better, it didn't seem very real to me, and I didn't empathise at all), the ending certainly made me cry.

The idea that he had already blown his birthday candles out (and died, thereby his own candle out), and streams of people coming to show his mum that no, his candles were still lit, he had touched so many lives; THAT made me shed bucketloads of tears, and I'm not normally sold on big shows of solidarity particularly as portrayed in hollywood. I hated that he died, but appreciated the ending. The streams of cars seeming to go back into infinity I thought summed the whole film up.


I think it's only possible not to cry if you have no soul. I mean, if you really can sit through this movie without shedding a tear, you must not have a heart. I agree with you, this is the saddest movie I have ever seen. Seen it many times, and still cry every time.

We die only once, and for such a long time.


Wow. No soul, really?

I'm actually a pretty big goop. I've cried because of a lot of movies. Like 50 First Dates, Wall-E, hell even the Truman Show jerked a few tears from me at the end. The thing that Pay it Forward does though is simply too mean-spirited and manipulative to be forgivable. I saw it coming as the film leads up to him getting in the fight and getting stabbed and I still can't figure out how the writers thought this was the best way to end the movie and I didn't get sad. At all. It ENRAGED me.

How can you take a feel-good movie like this and then finish it off the way they did? I seriously wanted to throw some heavy object at my TV screen. And then the *beep* vigil afterwards and credits? N.O.

If the goal of the moviemakers was to turn people more hateful and cynical, then kudos to them, that's what they got. I can't applaud them for that.

I say, if you cried while watching this movie at some of the good deeds done during the movie, that's one thing. Natural emotion is fine. But if the contrived and manipulative-as-hell ending affected you in a sad way, you are either: A) a tool, B) hopelessly naive, or C) just reacting to what's put in front of you, and you weren't thinking about anything in the movie at all. And I hope to god it's C.

*edit* First time I've ever typed a word in a post that actually got *beep*ed. I must really hate this movie. Remind me not to post on the A.I. or Godsend forums...



I watched it for the first time last night and didn't cry. One reason was because I was dead tired and the other, because I'd been crying all day anyway. =/ But if I was in a normal state of mind I would've cried.

R.I.P. Rose <3


I watched this movie in class a few days ago. I was the heaviest cryer. I only know of 2 others who were crying a bit. It was weird. I thought it was so sad.


If you want a movie that is actually sad, watch Cool Hand Luke or 1984.


Good call.


It is not possible not to cry, people who watched this and didn't cry are just not human! It really is underrated.. such a great movie!

Bb-rDw - Ben Barnes Rocks D world!!
4 8 15 16 23 42HP



I would think it'd be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to refrain from it. The song was so very fitting, too, and made it even worse...
