MovieChat Forums > Pay It Forward (2000) Discussion > Is it possible to watch it and DON'T cry...

Is it possible to watch it and DON'T cry?

Is it just me or Pay it Forward is one of the saddest movies ever?? Trevor's death is just devastating, just remembering it kinda makes me sob.. and I think that this was a great movie, quite underrated in my opinion..



Omg, I watched it and I cried, it was such a bittersweet ending :(.

"It's a gun genius. You use it to shoot people you want to kill."



I cried. But the ending was amazing. You'll never see the whole city mourn for a child like that. Especially with just one little thing he did and he changed the whole world. If only he was alive he could see it.

I loved this movie. I thought it was wonderful.


Nah it was a great film upto that point. I didn't cry at all, I just thought that I had sat on the remote and switched channels or something because it was so out of the blue, wasn't inkeeping with the tone of the rest of the film, and served no narrative purpose whatsoever. Some people say that it's more realistic that way, but *beep* Almost the whole film is spent building up our confidence that it can work, that an idea can change the world if we're brave enough. Then at the last moment the carpet as pulled out from under us and we're told
"haha, not really sucker. If you try to be brave you get stabbed by the chunky kid".

Other than the last 5-10 minutes, I really liked it.





In my opinion, not if you have a heart!

People are so selfish in general; that didnt just start with this generation.

That is why this movie is so underrated!


I cried. The ending was amazing, but i would have prefered if Trevor had lived, that would have been so sweet.


Yes, that is extremely disappointing that Trevor ends up dying! Worse yet, those lousy punks aren't even caught! >:(


I couldn't watch it (on TV) and not *change the channel*.


I just saw it a few minutes ago for the first time on TNT, and yeah, I cried a little bit.

The plot is what it is - and just like in real life, sometimes there aren't always completely happy endings to situations. The message is that we have to try and find the good within, even when it's a devastating event.




Is it possible to watch this movie and not cry?

Short answer: Yes.

I dare you to make less sense!


I did. It seemed like they just killed him off for one last shocker. One last hurrah. The movie would of done just as well without him dying.


It is incredibly possible to watch it and don't cry.

Everybody Gets One



I got glossy, but that's about it.

Ferris Bueller, you're my hero.



im watching it as i type... and its brought a tear to me eye... heh

just a thought...


I didn't cry! Not at all.. I mean it.... :'(



It felt like that was what the director was aiming for.
She was throwing every hoary cliche in at the end and it just made me cross.
Liked the film prior to that and the idea of "paying it forward" but the ending undoes that.
Kevin Spacey is fantastic!!!


completely agree with the last comment - interesting idea (though a bit muddled) but the ridiculous ending with the candles and lines of cars coming to the house. Bleaugh. I felt so manipulated: a waste of fine acting talent


I think some people are missing the point of Trevor's death. It was only through his death that his idea was given true force. Because of his death the journalist was able to air the interview that he did with him and people all over America were exposed to his existence and his idea. This was supposed to give his idea a real chance of changing the world, although Trevor dies the idea lives on.

al's movie of the day: The Killing (1956)


Well said! As much as I hated the fact that he died, it served a purpose.
