funniest line?

there are so many, but for me it has to be when the flecks are getting ready to drive to the show, and gerry's friend is advising him on great places to stop on the way to philly...

"you can get a ham sandwich at Lee's Comeuppance"...

as in, Gen. Robt. E. Lee, of course...

it's a little hard to pick out, but i was on the floor when i heard that one...


Fred Willard after Beatrice is disqualified. "He went after her like she was made out of ham." He went on to compare the dog to Joe Lewis, gone but we still talk about him today!


I can't think of it verbatim, but the part where Scott & Stefan are checking in at the hotel: "And you have a queen suite, correct?" "WHAT is that supposed to mean?"


The one line i laughed the hardest wasnt even in the final cut, it was the deleted scenes where the gay couple do a meet and great at the dog show and meet up with two guys named Jack and I think it went "we're a pair of Queens we win"!



to me, the funniest part is in the utility closet when the hotel manager is talking about the rock group who recently came through and hes like "couldn't believe that they roasted a goat in the room. It took us for ever to get the smell of cumin and charcoal out of the curtains." hahah its classic

its also funny when fred willard is like "that handler looks familiar to me..." and we know what he's talking about since he's looking at Cookie the slut.


on the dvd's extras, harlans monologue about 'Phantom Hill' is top drawer ad libbing.. The fact that there are 2 phantom hills merely a few hundred yards apart, with one being a 'phantom' of the real phantom hill...



When Harlan Pepper smooshes his bloodhounds face and says "hey judge, im the best dog here" amazing amazing simply amazing, also the whole rant between Parker Posey and the pet store guy about the bumblebee toy is great "thats a rooster toy, thats about the furthest thing from a bumblebee"


I just rewatched it, and it's not exactly Stefan's line about packing too many kimonos that kills me (we'll be in Philadephia for 48 hours... don't you think we're overpacking?), it's Scott's reaction- he adds another, bringing the total to 8.

Poop schmoop, bring on the formal wear!


Not sure if its on here, but

Gerry to Stefan regarding the red stitching in his leather pants

"You must be very proud, Mary"


haha followed by wild laughter, and

Scott: "Who are YOU all of a sudden"
Cookie: "Mr. Hip!"

freaking hilarious


Maybe I am messed up but I laughed til I cried at times, watching this. My current favourite line is in the deleted scene when Harlan is talking about the turtle woman dancing cheek to cheek with a geek...

the whole hostage negociator scene

Hubert said "macadamia nut"

(to the dummy) "are you going to sleep?"

Hubert telling the judge that he knows what he's thinking

candle wax on my private parts

The best part is this is my first Guest film so I have others to catch up on.
I am off to watch it again, now. This thread has made me cry again.

Hell exists on Earth, yes. I won't live in it.


I've got to say my favorite line is when Scott and Stefan are watching the non-sporting group on the TV in the hotel room and Rhapsody wins best in group.
Scott Donlan: "I'd better show Agnes this. Miss Agnes, I want you to see.... Stop eating that shirt, and come look at your competition."

I'd probably find this line funny had it been delivered by anyone, but the way John Michael Higgins says it is simply hysterical.

"...this is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about..."
-modest mouse


John Michael Higgins is such an underrated actor.
Fred Willard steals the show. When he's talking to
the nurse: "Do you know the difference between a rectal
thermometer and a tongue depressor? No. Remind me never
to get a check up from you!" Or something like that.
Freakin' hilarious.

Jeff Koehn


Get the busy bee! GET the busy bee! Does that look like a bee to you?

Any of those lines are the funniest to me. My mother and I were in a pet shop picking up fish food and I picked up a black and yellow stuffed animal. As I turned around to show it to her, she was holding the exact same stuffed animal. What was funnier was that the first thing both of us said simultaneously was, "Get the busy bee!"

Parker Posey is a goddess.


We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks but we saw each other at different Starbucks across the street from each other.

I'll gouge your right eye out with my thumb, I sh!t you not, you little freak! Now, will you get down here? I'm gonna punch you in the eye till it turns to jelly! I'll stab you with forks till you bleed, how bout that?

We have so much in common, we both love soup and snow peas, we love the outdoors, and talking and not talking. We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about.

What Shih Tzus need rescuing anyway? You don't see Shih Tzus straggling around the streets in an old coat "help, alms for the poor".


"American Bitch Magazine . . . focusing on lesbian dog owners and their concerns" or something like that.

It's been said before, but the hieroglyphic supposedly showing an ancient Egyptian ventriloquist sent me over the edge.

Brideshead: There's nothing wrong in being a physical wreck, you know . . . .


one not actually mentioned, I think,
at the end when they are in the recording studio

"Sound familiar? I'm not wearing underpants...."

I know its been mentioned 10 times but " 6'4"? Where are you from, Norland?"
is the funniest line in the movie I think


Buck: "That is one happy fella" (referring to Christie Cummings when Rhapsody wins best of breed)


No one has mentioned the Harlan Pepper new career move as a ventriloquist entertaining sleepy, old WWII vets. He plays with a puppet, throws it face first on the floor, grabs some rope, fake cactus conks him on the head, he's still going and tries to impress the vets with his new cowboy skills, lasso's the rope over his head, gets all tangled up, he shouts "Whoo-hooo". LOL!

Buck saying something like if dogs know that they are in the final four. That he'd be tempted to bribe the judges. Trevor says alarmed "God, no"

The gay couple with facial cream, tacked on European rugs on the walls, talking to and tearing up on the phone supposedly talking to a dog at home.

The Flecks being introduced to their hotel room which is a closet full of cleaning products and crap. "Room service?" Ed Begley tells them their lucky cause the kitchen is right next to their now room.
