MovieChat Forums > Pearl Harbor (2001) Discussion > Am I the only one who didn't hate this m...

Am I the only one who didn't hate this movie?

Okay, it's not Gone with the Wind....but really, does this movie deserve all the hate directed its way?
I'll concede all the historical inaccuracies - so what - it's a MOVIE.
It was never presented as a documentary so who cares if it's accurate. I could name a hundred (maybe a thousand) historically based movies crammed with inaccuracies that don't inspire anywhere near this degree of vitriol.
Is it because it's become fashionable to bust on Ben Affleck? (Okay, I can identify with that) However, I enjoyed the movie.
It was the first time I saw Kate Beckinsale and thought she was wonderful along with being probably the best looking woman on the planet. The flying scenes/battle scenes/destruction scenes were great. I was entertained. As far as the aforementioned inaccuracies SO WHAT. Every historically themed movie is crammed with them.
It's a MOVIE.


No, you're not the only one. I liked the movie. I totally agree with you about the historical inaccuracies. Who cares? Its a movie.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


You are not alone. My family and I enjoyed this very much. True the acting wasn't great and it had historical inaccuracies as most films about history do, but it showed the attack in a very exciting way. The love story, like in South Pacific,was contrived but acceptable. The film was too long and the script wasn't the greatest, but it didn't deserve the bad rap it got from critics. I often watch it on reruns. The music and photography were very good as well.


Nope. It's a good movie. Lots of people like it.

Lots of people bash it because it's not 100% historically accurate. I watch a lot of documentaries if I want something more fact driven and (mostly) accurate. This is a drama movie based on the events that occurred at Pearl Harbor. Any movie or TV show based on a true story or that uses some sort of historical back drop such as a point in history, WW2, Vietnam, JFK assassination...etc. has threads and threads of posts complaining about it. If it was grossly exaggerated, or completely changed all the history then maybe it would bother me, but it doesn' I'm fine with it.


I liked it. It was a love story. And yes two good friends can overcome obstacles. All the characters did the best they could under the current circumstances.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are the only one.


its a great movie bro


Not at all. I enjoy the movie. If I want 100% historical accuracy I'll watch a documentary called Pearl Harbor. The script wasn't bad, acting was good.


one of my favorite movies, haters gonna hate who cares,
