Am I the only one who didn't hate this movie?
Okay, it's not Gone with the Wind....but really, does this movie deserve all the hate directed its way?
I'll concede all the historical inaccuracies - so what - it's a MOVIE.
It was never presented as a documentary so who cares if it's accurate. I could name a hundred (maybe a thousand) historically based movies crammed with inaccuracies that don't inspire anywhere near this degree of vitriol.
Is it because it's become fashionable to bust on Ben Affleck? (Okay, I can identify with that) However, I enjoyed the movie.
It was the first time I saw Kate Beckinsale and thought she was wonderful along with being probably the best looking woman on the planet. The flying scenes/battle scenes/destruction scenes were great. I was entertained. As far as the aforementioned inaccuracies SO WHAT. Every historically themed movie is crammed with them.
It's a MOVIE.