MovieChat Forums > Pearl Harbor (2001) Discussion > Am I the only one who didn't hate this m...

Am I the only one who didn't hate this movie?

Okay, it's not Gone with the Wind....but really, does this movie deserve all the hate directed its way?
I'll concede all the historical inaccuracies - so what - it's a MOVIE.
It was never presented as a documentary so who cares if it's accurate. I could name a hundred (maybe a thousand) historically based movies crammed with inaccuracies that don't inspire anywhere near this degree of vitriol.
Is it because it's become fashionable to bust on Ben Affleck? (Okay, I can identify with that) However, I enjoyed the movie.
It was the first time I saw Kate Beckinsale and thought she was wonderful along with being probably the best looking woman on the planet. The flying scenes/battle scenes/destruction scenes were great. I was entertained. As far as the aforementioned inaccuracies SO WHAT. Every historically themed movie is crammed with them.
It's a MOVIE.


When this movie comes out in 2001, I really love it. Then again, I was 8 years old back then, and this movie did introduce me to world war 2 and turn me into a history buff that I am today.


It's a good's not bad at all. It's got cheesiness to it...sure...but it's not a bad movie. It was exciting and romantic and really put us at Pearl Harbor like Titanic did for that tragedy...until another Pearl Harbor movie comes along, it will be the definitive movie based on the event that helps us better appreciate how terrible it was.

"Live every week like it's Shark Week."


until another Pearl Harbor movie comes along, it will be the definitive movie based on the event that helps us better appreciate how terrible it was.


I don't have a problem with the fictional parts of the story, the Love triangle and all that. It is the Historical backdrop of the Pearl Harbor Attack that is everything that is wrong with the film. It is Completely historically inaccurate. For you to sit there and think it will be the "definitive movie" on the subject (and I'm sure you are not alone in this) is why we have fallen so far in Society with IDIOTS thinking they are smart.

Until a better one comes along, THE "definitive movie" on the subject has been and will remain "Tora Tora Tora"

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I thought this movie was great always have. It certainly didn't deserve all the negative criticism it got.

I am sorry to say it but I feel the only reason so many of the (US people that hate it) hate it because it hurt their pride. Can't stand to see a movie where the US is getting attacked on without being able to defend itself.. And the US is the one that is losing.. Well it actually happened for real so don't hate on a movie because it's just telling a true story (even though a lot of it might be fabricated the core event of Pearl Harbour being attacked unaware is still true)


I thought this movie was great always have. It certainly didn't deserve all the negative criticism it got.

You can think what you want but it deserved every single bit of criticism it got, and then some.

I am sorry to say it but I feel the only reason so many of the (US people that hate it) hate it because it hurt their pride. Can't stand to see a movie where the US is getting attacked on without being able to defend itself.. And the US is the one that is losing.. Well it actually happened for real so don't hate on a movie because it's just telling a true story (even though a lot of it might be fabricated the core event of Pearl Harbour being attacked unaware is still true)

OK, now you are going on a smackdown for being a total Fraking dumbsh!t.

I did mention previously the film Tora Tora Tora, which shows this very same event. And I like it.

In fact that film, over this one goes to show how wrong you are in your bullsh!t assessment of why "Americans" hate the film. If what you claimed is true about the "haters" they would love Pearl Harbor more over Tora Tora Tora. As Pearl Harbor does show us "hitting back" with the Doolittle Raid.

Yes the events happened for real. I am not hating the film because of your ignorant and self ascribed psychoanalysis. I hate it because it DOES NOT show the historical events that "really happened" the way they happened. Rather it is a made up bunch of bullsh!t.

And BTW... the film as well as the actual location and events, is called Pearl Harbor. Not Pearl Harbour.

And No... That is not simply a matter of American English vs Queen's English.

You capitalized the P and the H in your "Pearl Harbour" correct?
Because it is a proper name, an official place name. right?
As such it has only one correct spelling. and since it is an American location, it is the American spelling that is the correct one.
If you were just referring to a geographical feature known as a harbor(note the small case "h"), you can spell it harbour/harbor... however you want, both are correct. But as a proper name only Harbor is correct. I would be just as wrong to refer to Sydney Harbour as "Sydney Harbor"

Shawn, Shaun, and Sean, are all various ways to spell a certain name. But if I were to refer to an actor famous for his role as James Bond 007 as Shaun Connery I would be wrong would I not?

Because his name is NOT Shaun Connery. It is Sean Connery.
Case Closed.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


You may have a point about it not being the definitive movie (I didn't think about Tora Tora Tora) but to call those who think the movie is pretty good or the definitive movie for Pearl Harbor "IDIOTS" is absurd and beneath you especially if you are/were a sailor in the US military.

"Live every week like it's Shark Week."


If one wants to simply "like" this film. That's fine.
It is entertaining in a mind numbing escapist sort of way.

But those who praise it's realism... it's authenticity... It's historical accuracy... or consider it definitive of the real event in any way shape or form...

Yeah.. Idiots is NOT too strong a word.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Gotta totally back you up on this, CG. This attitude that blissfully lazy ignorance should be accepted without question or challenge is about is clueless as it gets. A true example of a cranial-rectal inversion.


I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!



I could not agree with you more! My area of expertese is WW2 and I love this movie! The historical inaccuracies? So what, when I go to the movies I want to be entertained and this film gets all the senses going, Michael Bay you emo and I love you for that, peace!


You are a shining example.....
Of the dumbing down of modern society.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Dude, you have so little expertise on anything that you don't even know how to spell the word.


It was great movie, thou i didnt really care about that love triangle thing


Having rewatched it for the first time in about 5 years, honestly it has held up kinda well. The action is still incredible, the cinematography is amazing, the film feels like a movie out of the 40's (complete with cheesy dialogue and melodrama)Honestly though, I liked it more on the rewatch than I did when it came out.

[email protected]


Incredible is the right word. This movie has absolutely no credibility as a story or a retelling of history.


Are you a professional movie critic???? Because they get it wrong most of the time


the film feels like a movie out of the 40's (complete with cheesy dialogue and melodrama)

I'm really glad someone brought that up, because I just finished watching this for the first time in years and it was the first time I picked up on it. It definitely does have some of the elements of your run of the mill 40s drama, and there was just something about Ben Affleck's acting that reminded me of the typical 40s matinees like Taylor or Gable, with the cockiness that his character had.

It has a lot of issues in the historical accuracy department, and I'm not overly fond of some of the dialogue, but as a film I think it's held up better than I initially thought.

Unapologetic Thomas Barrow Fan


Sorry, but I hated this movie. The characters were terrible, unrealistic and not likable. I'd say I have an average knowledge of WWII and I found the historical inaccuracies glaring and unnecessary. Tossing in a fictional love story would have been fine if done well. I enjoyed it in Titanic for example. Here it was just cliche and annoying. Terrible movie in my opinion.


I like this movie too, and Zimmer's score for it is really good :)

''They are shaping me into something gaudy. Something lethal.''


I didn't totally loathe this movie as I enjoy historical fiction from time to time, but on the other hand I wasn't totally impressed either.


I enjoyed it, i saw it 2 times in theaters and liked it.

It's historical fiction folks! like Titanic and The Patriot.

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS


Who cares about your opinion.


I actually liked this film a lot, Hartnett was gorgeous in this.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


While I think a lot of people just want to bust on Ben Affleck (case in point, look at the reaction to Ben being named as the next Batman), I didn't like the film because it was way too long, had too many subplots and had a cheesy romantic story line.

I did like Kate Beckinsale but Affleck's and Hartnett's characters were too much. A simple back story of being friends growing up did not need the Battle of Britain subplot. Considering all of the personnel killed on Dec. 7, there were many ways to frame the love story to the point where Kate would not know who of her two lovers bit the dust until the end.

That said, most people don't know the full history of the attack so only purists can truly complain about most of the inaccuracies.

That said, this film was incredibly lazy. Showing an American tank in Cologne, Germany in 1941 when America did not reach that city until 1945? Roosevelt saying more aid needed to be sent to Britain and Russia early in 1941 when Russia did not become an ally until after the Germans attacked it in June 1941?

Filming at Pearl with Knox-class frigates in the background? Doolittle with a model of an F-86 Sabre jet on his bookshelf? All the battleships moving constantly being next to the wrong sister ship when a trip to the Pearl Harbor library would have shown the right setup?

Dorie Miller aboard the USS Arizona when it's well-documented that he was aboard USS West Virginia? Then, to add insult to injury, he's shown getting his Navy Cross from a commander whereas he got it from Admiral Chester Nimitz.

Affleck's dad does crop dusting in 1923, a year before the first crop duster comes into use and 11 years before the plane dad is using is actually built? The Japanese patrol ship that spots the Doolittle task force is only 400 yards away, which means it should be colliding with the task force, not just reporting on it?

As a veteran, that galled me. I could even overlook the sappy love story that hit all the cliches. That plot can be found in hundreds of movies. But, combine it with lazy film-making and two subplots that could easily have been movies in their own right and you get an overlong film that could have been edited down to two hours and ended with the attack on Pearl Harbor.


Besides the "bait and switch" of the marketing (which essentially sold the movie as an action film telling a historical event, and instead was really a melodrama romance film set in WW2), the major complaint about the movie is the "no passing resemblance to reality" that is horrible for something claiming to depict an actual historical event. It's a pretty bad melodrama to start with, and one of WORST historical event recreations put to film in the last 20 years.

For instance, it's on Bravo right now, and, while I was typing this, there was a line from FDR talking to his military staff after the attack: "Is it true, that we can still hear trapped sailors from the Arizona?", and a general answers "It's true, but we can't get to them as they are under 40 feet of water".

15 seconds with any High School history textbook would tell you:

(a) It was the Oklahoma which was capsized with many people trapped inside. The film even correctly shows this, including the historically-accurate of the efforts to save those trapped by cutting through the bottom hull of the overturned ship.
(b) The Arizona was completely destroyed when its magazine detonated. Everyone on-board who wasn't blown overboard died either instantly or within a few minutes of the ship's remains sinking. FDR wouldn't be asking this question, and even if he did, the reply would have corrected him on the ship name.
(c) A general isn't going to be answering those questions. They'd come from an admiral. In the context of the movie, there's no reason why the character replying couldn't have been an admiral (i.e. they had a table full of flag officers, and it would have been a simple matter of giving the 1-line reply to one of the other actors).

It's a classic case where the writer and director just didn't care. There's forgivable artistic license, where you forgo some technical details in service to telling the story cleaner and better, then there's just inane stupidity which actually DETRACTS from the storyline. There was a whole lot of attention to historical detail in many areas, and a COMPLETE disregard for them all over the place, too. For instance, it's forgivable that they used wide footage shot of a modern carrier fleet in the Doolittle scenes - the footage would have been expensive to CGI to fix, it's only a couple of seconds, and most people wouldn't notice. The CGI models for the high-level (i.e aircraft POV) attacks on battleship row are accurate. Then, we have lots and lots of closeup footage of ships blowing up. Anything that's not a battleship is PLAINLY a modern ship. Heck, you don't have to look closely to see (a) a complete lack of guns - all period ships would be covered in gun turrets, and (b) MISSILE launchers. The list of historical inaccuracies is longer than my arm. In a pre-1980 film, that's forgivable. In a modern film, especially one depicting an ACTUAL EVENT (not just using the period as a setting), its blatantly unacceptable.

Not to mention this is a seminal point in American History, and it's treatment in this movie feels a lot like the film makers were taking a dump on those people's graves in the middle of Arlington National Cemetery.

Short answer: taken on it's own, it's a bad piece of film making, because it's a below-average melodrama romance welded to an descent action-adventure. Made much, much worse because its insultingly bad as a historical depiction, which was what it explicitly was sold as.


Not to mention this is a seminal point in American History, and it's treatment in this movie feels a lot like the film makers were taking a dump on those people's graves in the middle of Arlington National Cemetery.

That is the point that many of these viewers just don't get, and is what makes us hate this movie so much. It's like making a comedy about 9/11; it's simply something that touches too deeply in the heart and soul to be excused.
