Why all the hate?

I kinda liked it, as I enjoy almost any horror movie no matter how bad, so I just don't understand the hatred for this movie. Is it because you feel it would be better as a non Friday the 13th movie, was it the over the top,( admittedly stupid) action/plot at the end, or is it something else? Please don't just say it sucked.


I love this flick.
I understand the hate for only one reason:
Freddy's Dead was my favourite NOES until I saw the whole series. I began to take the series just a lil too seriously to love Freddy6 as much. I guess F13 fans can also get precious. I'm precious about Simpsons(1-8 only).

On its own merits, this film is almost perfect. More gore, maybe.


I do get the hate but despite the silly plot and bad acting, it's cheesy fun. The deaths are pretty awesome too. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.

