I don't understand all the hate either. Fans of the series like to act like the films are masterpieces of horror cinema, which they are not. I am a massive fan of the Friday the 13th series and I can admit they are mostly trash. They are like episodes of scooby doo, the same crap again and again. There's nothing wrong with that of course, we all enjoy them for that.
Then you try and do something different and people hate it. I see a lot of fans bitching about part 6, 9 and X for changing too much or poking fun at the series. I LOVE those films for those very reasons. They are all fun, entertaining and ridiculous ways to pass a couple of hours, and Jason X is a fantastic effort. It's crazy, it's gory, it's fun and ridiculous. It has everything I watch these films for in the first place.
If anyone takes any of the movies in the series seriously, they are frickin idiots.