MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > All strong criticizers of this movie are...

All strong criticizers of this movie are americans

As the title says, I think all strong criticizers of this movie are americans because, by reading the hollow arguments, I understand that scientology doesn't have a good reputation in the US. Is my guess correct? I believe so.

The movie doesn't deserve the criticism it has received. The american people is generally a very hateful one towards those with a different opinion, and the reactions to this movie is a good example of that. I don't mind if you take me for a racist, because it doesn't change the fact that I'm not.

What's my point for saying this? If you (the strong criticizers) go on hating everything that has to do with something with a different nature than the one of yourself, you will limit yourself alot in life.

- Marcus Johnsson, Sweden


I'm a strong criticizer and I'm British-Greenlandic. So no.


Well, as an American and a fan of the actual novel it was based on, I hated the movie for the simple fact that compared to the book, it was horrible!

Quite a few things were changed, probably in the interest of fitting it into a movie, even though they only did half of the book, which was at around page 500 or so by that point. Hollywood took shortcuts, and they paid for it.

With how large the book was they should have done like they did with Stephen King's "The Stand" and made it into a 4 part miniseries and remaind a lot more true to the book, instead of making something that had a few elements and the most made up as they went along.

Being a fan of the book nonwithstanding, Even if I'd never read the book, the movie was so full of plot holes, bad acting, contradictions etc. that is was just plain bad!


The Movie completely SUCKS on so many levels!!! Did you read the book? I did before I watched this movie in the theater. I actually liked the BOOK. The MOVIE is almost completely different from the book. Talking about a Hatchet job, and a completely different ending. I hear it's a Scientology book?!?! If you say so, I thought the book was a great Sci-Fi story. The movie on the other hand was so LAME, DUMB, didn't make since Sense. There's no fighter jets in the book for example. Saying people(American's are Racists) because they didn't like the Movie sounds Racists to me!!! The Movie SUCKED, I didn't think anything could be worse then Judge Dread, but I was proved wrong when this Garbage was released. The book is GREAT, the Movie SUCKS.


As the title says, I think all strong criticizers of this movie are americans because, by reading the hollow arguments, I understand that scientology doesn't have a good reputation in the US. Is my guess correct? I believe so." You will find Germans have made scientology illegal, which would make it have a bad reputation there. Are they americans as well?

I believe, as a brit, that this is a really bad movie. No hollow arguments, just a bad movie, also badly acted.


does scientology actually have a good reputation in europe?

if other religions can be called on for some of their bull$*** then so can scientology.


"As the title says, I think all strong criticizers of this movie are americans because, by reading the hollow arguments, I understand that scientology doesn't have a good reputation in the US. Is my guess correct? I believe so.

The movie doesn't deserve the criticism it has received. The american people is generally a very hateful one towards those with a different opinion, and the reactions to this movie is a good example of that. I don't mind if you take me for a racist, because it doesn't change the fact that I'm not.

What's my point for saying this? If you (the strong criticizers) go on hating everything that has to do with something with a different nature than the one of yourself, you will limit yourself alot in life."

Not really, no. I'm not American, I gave this film a 5/10 and that's a pretty high score for this film at best.If you know about Scientology, it shouldn't have a good reputation anywhere - I'm getting the impression that you might be a scientologist though.

The American people are not hateful of other people's opinions, I've had many friends who are American and encounters with people who are American and they are generally respectful of other people's opinions - unless you're watching Fox News where the news anchor will scream you down if you have a different opinion.

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Anyone can look at the voting. IMDB compiles votes and breaks them down into demographics. The original poster who claims to be Swedish, --apparently ignorant of the fact that Scientology has major problems with the Swedes-- hasn't looked at the voting stats. US voters gave the film a 2.2 rating while Non-US voters gave it a 2.5. Looks like his theory of the US being to blame for it's poor rating is bs.

What's more the film made more money in the US than it did in the rest of the world, combined. Not by a small margin either. More than 70% of the box office revenue for the film was from America.

Even if his original asinine point about Americans not liking things different from their own culture/religion was true it wouldn't explain the critics. Critics see many films from around the world and give them honest reviews based on their merits and don't conform to social pressures. The overwhelming majority of critics panned the film.

Fact is it's a terrible movie no matter where you're from, and the original poster is an ignorant d-bag.

PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R didn't exist.


I swear to hell the first time I saw this, I thought it was a comedy for the first few minutes.Then I discovered it was an unintentional comedy and watched it several times.Scientology could be as popular as free money and this flick would still have sucked out loud.


and the only people who like and defend this movie are scientologists. talk about being brainwashed! the fact that the "church" of scientology can convince ANYONE that this pile of crap is a good movie should be evidence enough that they are a dangerous cult!


Yeah, because Americans know the rest of the world is SO tolerant of us. I am not saying that we don't have some real winners stateside but; believe it or not, America does have some smart people living here who develop opinions that aren't fed to them from some source other than their own mind.

That being said, while movies are an artform and, as such, open to multiple interpretations; there comes a time when no amount of hiding gets you away from certain facts. Battlefield: Earth was crap in the first degree. It was crap begat of crap in the crap movie gene pool. Why? Everyone else on here has already said. It had poor acting, poor writing, poor direction, etc. If I knew offhand what a "grip" did, then I'd say they were bad, too. Simply put, Hollywood cranked this out in the hopes that name-recognition would be the sole driving force to make their money back. They didn't. No one involved in this film walked away smiling. Do you really need any more reason as to why this movie is considered one of the worst of all-time?

While I hated this film, more power to anyone who enjoyed it. I am not saying I wouldn't eye the person cautiously that did, but it is their right. After all, I hear Howard the Duck has quite the following.........


Scientology has NEVER had a good reputation anywhere, so your case that the film is hated by Americans through its connection to Scientology is moot.

The key thing to remember here is that this was released before the movie industry began to worry about the Internet causing box office damage. In other words, it was safe to slowly release the film internationally over a period of say 6 months.

What actually happened to Battlefield was that, the studio thought that it was going to be a MASSIVE box office hit, on the scale of Star Wars. So they sent it to Warner Bros. to give it a wide release in the US. However the film immediately bombed and savaged by both audiences and critics as one of the worst films in history before it was released outside the US. To reduce the impact of the films financial failure, Warner Bros. had to cut back on the number of screenings This also meant cutting down the films international buzz. The result was that the film has much more notoriety in the US, then anywhere else.
