MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > All strong criticizers of this movie are...

All strong criticizers of this movie are americans

As the title says, I think all strong criticizers of this movie are americans because, by reading the hollow arguments, I understand that scientology doesn't have a good reputation in the US. Is my guess correct? I believe so.

The movie doesn't deserve the criticism it has received. The american people is generally a very hateful one towards those with a different opinion, and the reactions to this movie is a good example of that. I don't mind if you take me for a racist, because it doesn't change the fact that I'm not.

What's my point for saying this? If you (the strong criticizers) go on hating everything that has to do with something with a different nature than the one of yourself, you will limit yourself alot in life.

- Marcus Johnsson, Sweden


NM Johnson, you're not racist for calling out the American media on it's bias against "Battlefield Earth" because of it's connection with L. Ron Hubbard. The movie was a solid entertainment that was unfairly maligned.


Sure, solid comedic entertainment. As a serious sci-fi movie, it's terrible.


by - mojorecords on Fri Jul 23 2010 13:06:12
Sure, solid comedic entertainment. As a serious sci-fi movie, it's terrible.

Yeah, I can roll with that.


As an avid reader of sci-fi I found the book to actually be quite good. Therefore my hopes where somewhat up before seeing this movie, and yes, I knew about the whole scientology angle before I either read the book or saw the movie but I didn't let that cloud my judgement on either the book or movie. The movie was unfortunately one of the worst movies I´ve seen and as many other posters have stated here, I cringed at times. My pocket of the book has over a 1000 pages and I think it just couldn't be transfered to the screenformat successfully.

Oh, and I´m from Sweden to, sorry

Just because I rock doesn´t mean I´m made out of stone


It's a poorly made film. One doesn't need to be an American to realize that. Take your broad, poorly formed stereotype of Americans and our culture and shove it up your pretentious ass.



For what it's worth, I'm not American - I'm Irish.

And this movie was absolutely horrible!


Scientology doesn't have a good reputation ANYWHERE because a money-gobbling global scam.

However, this movie is unfailingly awful regardless of where it came from. I don't care if this movie came directly from the anus of the Almighty Himself. This movie is unbelievably bad and no amount of "'re just hating on Scientology...Baawwwww" comments will change that.


The movie gets horrible criticism because it is a horrible, horrible, horrible movie. Worst I've ever seen. It is the only movie that, after making it to the end, I asked for my money back (yes, I was one of the 6 people in the States to see the movie in the theater!!!!).



Ignore OP.

He is either a troll or a genuine fool.

NOBODY in the entire world likes this movie. Nobody. Why? Because it's unbelievably bad on so many levels.

I bet this is just somebody holding a grudge against mr. Johansson and has therefore intentionally used his name to create some hostility towards him.


I'd say a 'genuine fool' would be the more likely, the OP's argument has more holes in it than swiss cheese.

"I'm a hero with coward's legs." - Spike Milligan


As the title says, I think all strong criticizers of this movie are americans because, by reading the hollow arguments, I understand that scientology doesn't have a good reputation in the US. Is my guess correct? I believe so.

The movie doesn't deserve the criticism it has received. The american people is generally a very hateful one towards those with a different opinion, and the reactions to this movie is a good example of that. I don't mind if you take me for a racist, because it doesn't change the fact that I'm not.

What's my point for saying this? If you (the strong criticizers) go on hating everything that has to do with something with a different nature than the one of yourself, you will limit yourself alot in life.

- Marcus Johnsson, Sweden

Well based on your reasoning us americans can only conclude that we can now ship every crap movie ever made to sweden because if we hate it enough the swedes will buy it.

We hate the movie for 1 or more of three reasons.
1. we read the book and busted a blood vessel when this miserable piece of crap came out claiming to have anything to do with battlefield earth which was an awesome book.

2. We hate it merely on the basis of the plot sucking, crap acting, and special effects <edit> thst = that </edit> hurt yer brain.

3. we hate scientology and havent seen the film so therefore it doth suckith.

mine is reason one and two.

you sound like you're a scientologist. Please tell your "brethern" to not send out scientology crap when someone only wants to order the free poster from the book. That is so not cool.

Smile and wave boys...Just smile and wave...
