Come now, this movie sucks, I don't care what country you're from. And it's certainly got nothing to do (personally) with the Scientology aspect. Is Scientology the butt of many jokes in America? Certainly, if it were more prominent in other countries I'd be willing to bet it might be there too.
When I finally got around to seeing this movie a few months ago with a few friends, I knew that it was essentially supposed to be the Scientology gospel, but that doesn't make the movie any better or worse. The fact of the matter is that, even though I had a good enough time laughing along with my friends and making fun of a cheesy movie, I was just glad when it was over. It's a crappy movie. Bad acting, worse writing, poorly paced, overly long and just ultimately boring. There's really no argument that needs to be made here, watch the movie, it speaks for itself.
Have I seen worse movies? Yeah, probably. But have I ever seen a movie with this big a budget, and genuinely talented people involved in it, that was this bad? Maybe not.
And that's why this movie gets such a bad rap. I can forgive some garbage movie on the SciFi channel or something, because it has no budget, no big names attached to it, no expectations. This movie, on the other hand, really has no excuse for how bad it is. It had all the chance in the world but it failed epically.
So do people go a little overboard when declaring how terrible the movie really is? Yeah, honestly, probably. It won't melt your eyeballs out of their sockets or give you cancer. It's not the end of the world. But let's be frank, this movie has no business being called "good" in any capacity, by anybody, from any country or religious background.
"Not that bad" is all well and fine, but "good" is a bit of a stretch.
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