MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > All strong criticizers of this movie are...

All strong criticizers of this movie are americans

As the title says, I think all strong criticizers of this movie are americans because, by reading the hollow arguments, I understand that scientology doesn't have a good reputation in the US. Is my guess correct? I believe so.

The movie doesn't deserve the criticism it has received. The american people is generally a very hateful one towards those with a different opinion, and the reactions to this movie is a good example of that. I don't mind if you take me for a racist, because it doesn't change the fact that I'm not.

What's my point for saying this? If you (the strong criticizers) go on hating everything that has to do with something with a different nature than the one of yourself, you will limit yourself alot in life.

- Marcus Johnsson, Sweden


"The american people is generally a very hateful one towards those with a different opinion"

How is that not racist? And how do you, as a citizen of Sweden, have any clue what Americans are "generally" like? Huh? Answer that. You obviously have a biased view of Americans so to say you don't have a single particle of racism in your body is laughable and ignorant (even more ignorant than had you just admitted you're racist).

I personally rated this movie a 3/10 before I had any clue it had anything to do with Scientology. I guess I had my head in the sand but generally I don't look up the writers of a movie before I watch it. I have, however, seen about 60-70% of the movies on the IMDB top 250 list and Battlefield Earth falls far, far short of any of them. I only just saw this movie, in the year 2009, because I'd constantly heard by word of mouth how bad a movie it was and curiosity finally got the best of me. Wanna know the funny thing about it? Since it came out in 2000 I'd never heard anyone mention Scientology when saying how bad a movie it was. It's just a bad film.


"How is that not racist? And how do you, as a citizen of Sweden, have any clue what Americans are "generally" like? Huh?"

I have lived in the US.

There are other things about USA that I like.

My people is definitely not perfect - no people is - but that's not a part of this discussion. One has to be able to discuss things and tell truths without being called a racist. Saying most Africans are black isn't racist - it's true.

It's good that you don't look up info about writers etc before watching - I'm the same. It's interesting though, how you tell us that your society and people around you were badmouthing the movie - and even more interesting, how all of a sudden it's very entertaining spreading rumors about how bad a certain movie is.


"It's interesting though, how you tell us that your society and people around you were badmouthing the movie"

The bad mouthing this movie gets has NOTHING to do with whatever ties it has to Scientology. This is just an extremely stupid movie.

I mean, are we really suppose to believe that a group of simple cavemen are able to teach themselves how to fly fighter jets in a matter of days (how these things still run after 1,000 years is a mystery) and battle it off with the aliens, who destroyed us in a "9-minute fight" 1000 years before? And you have to ask yourself, we're using the same dang jets we had when they won against us in the 9 minute battle, and they've had 1,000 years to improve their technology, how can we expect to defeat them when those jets proved worthless before?

And how are those ruins in Denver still standing after 1,000 years in decay? And where did the cavemen get the electricity from when they visited Fort Hood? And what was Terl, the John Travolta character, thinking when he hooked the hero up to the knowledge machine, which apparently teaches one how to hack into the Psychlo's weapons room? With that sort of knowledge, you'd figure the main aliens would guard him better!

And let's not forget how the aliens talked: "Blooga blooga, bwa bwa oooooooool!"

Battlefield Earth is so unbelievably bad that it's almost hilariously awful. I wouldn't have minded if the movie had been about Scientology, but it isn't about anything.

Americans may be the Strong Criticizers of this movie, but that's only because we can spot a hunk of junk when we see it!



Kick rocks, meatball.


American isn't a race its a nationality

Dont like to criticise movies, I prefer to watch 'em


How is that not racist?

It's not racist, just xenophobic. 'American' is not a race.

Seriously, I challenge anyone who doesn't know anything about this movie or Scientology to connect the two. That's one shining positive point about the movie: it really doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. Hell, I know a little about Scientology and I still don't know how the movie connects to it, other than that Hubbard wrote the story. The notion that people hate this movie because they hate Scientology is absurd. It's just an incredibly bad movie.


Exactly, I was thinking the same thing. Xenophobic is the correct term.
Anyway, I've seen a lot worse movies than this. If you can shut your brain off and not pick things apart in in while watching it's not that bad. But yes there are many glaring flaws fuel electric etc. I didn't know about the supposed Scientology connection. Side note: Scientolgoy is a bunch of crap.

My name's Pitt. And your ass ain't talkin' your way out of this *beep*


Come oooon.

First and foremost, scientology hasn't got a good reputation in Sweden either. The lack of critiscism only reflects the fact that Scientology is not as well known among the people in Sweden, since the Church of scientology at this point only has a limited amount of swedish followers. But those aware of the CoS is very well aware that it's a manipulative, destructive and aggressive sect calling itself a religion. But this is not a place for discussion neither sects or religious beliefs so, back to the movie.

Anyone can see that this is one of the worst movies ever made, considering the pretty decent budget and actors appearing in it. Not only americans. And that has nothing to with the fact that it might be influenced by some obscure scientologic beliefs. It's just a goddamn lame movie! Poor acting, poor dialogue and of course one of the worst manuscripts ever. Therefore I love it. It makes laugh just when i think of it! But if you think this is a good movie, you're welcome to think so. I can't. And I simply can't understand that anyone who has seen a decent number of films, which I presume anyone on IMDB has, can't see that this movie has all the ingredients a good film is NOT supposed to have.

// Another Swede


I went to see this movie with my best friend because we really hoped to see a good sci-fi action movie. Not only that, we were hoping there'd be more sequels down the pike.

I squirmed through the whole production. I couldn't believe this had one of my favorite actors in it. I could give a rat's butt if he's Scientology - or his wife is. Or Tom Cruise (who of course, isn't in it) is. I watch their movies.

When we left the theater, there wasn't a soul in the parking lot who didn't think it was the worst thing they'd ever seen. I'm sure most of them had no idea it had any connection to Scientology.

I'm glad you've "lived in America". I was born here, and I don't see them as you do. I've dated Swedes, and I have my opinions as well, but I'd be perfectly idiotic to make a declaration of a whole nation based on a handful of people. My experience with Americans has been the opposite - they are far more likely to tolerate differences, just as they are free to express their sentiments about them. What I've experienced abroad is condescension and judgment.

The movie is awful on its own merits or lack of them, and time has borne this out. Even the actors themselves think it was bad.

I went back and read the (first) story, because I had a roommate in college who liked them. Not surprisingly, it wasn't any better.


No, I think people (Americans and people from other countries too!) didn't like this movie because it is crap.


I hated this movie long before I knew that it was even related to scientology.

I'm not saying that this is representative of all swedish people, but last time I was in Sweden I had 3 different people tell me 9/11 jokes. I don't judge all Swedish people and say that all Swedish people are insensitive a**holes.

The movie sucked plain and simple. It was no Seven Samurai, Godfather, or Plan 9 from Outerspace.


Nope. I'm Dutch.

To be or not to be (Hamlet)
To do or not to do (Lennon)
Doo be doo be doo (Sinatra)


Come now, this movie sucks, I don't care what country you're from. And it's certainly got nothing to do (personally) with the Scientology aspect. Is Scientology the butt of many jokes in America? Certainly, if it were more prominent in other countries I'd be willing to bet it might be there too.

When I finally got around to seeing this movie a few months ago with a few friends, I knew that it was essentially supposed to be the Scientology gospel, but that doesn't make the movie any better or worse. The fact of the matter is that, even though I had a good enough time laughing along with my friends and making fun of a cheesy movie, I was just glad when it was over. It's a crappy movie. Bad acting, worse writing, poorly paced, overly long and just ultimately boring. There's really no argument that needs to be made here, watch the movie, it speaks for itself.

Have I seen worse movies? Yeah, probably. But have I ever seen a movie with this big a budget, and genuinely talented people involved in it, that was this bad? Maybe not.

And that's why this movie gets such a bad rap. I can forgive some garbage movie on the SciFi channel or something, because it has no budget, no big names attached to it, no expectations. This movie, on the other hand, really has no excuse for how bad it is. It had all the chance in the world but it failed epically.

So do people go a little overboard when declaring how terrible the movie really is? Yeah, honestly, probably. It won't melt your eyeballs out of their sockets or give you cancer. It's not the end of the world. But let's be frank, this movie has no business being called "good" in any capacity, by anybody, from any country or religious background.

"Not that bad" is all well and fine, but "good" is a bit of a stretch.

Last Movies Seen:
Ninja Assassin: 5/10
New Moon: 3/10
Zombieland: 8/10


Of course most of the criticism of this movie comes from the US Battlefield Earth only grossed $21,471,685 in the United States and Canada and a total of $8,250,000 worldwide. About 2/3 of the gross came from the US That means very few people outside the US even saw the film. I would suggest you read the Wikipedia entry for the movie you'll find the criticism of this movie was nearly unanimous. If the rest of the world is so enlightened and tolerant of other views why did the film do soooo horribly in worldwide box office? A little over $8 million divided by 2 billion or so people in the world that can afford to see a movie is sad!

From the little I've read Scientology doesn't have a good reputation in most of the world. The top website that is critical of Scientology is and it is run out of Norway by a Norwegian citizen! contains critical information from around the world but most of it comes from the US because the CoS has the largest following there. Myself I've never really seen Battlefield Earth as a vehicle for Scientology doctrine I just think it was a really bad sci-fi movie that starred John Travolta.

Where did the caveman army get electricity to run their flight simulators for that matter where did they get fuel to power the Harrier jump jets? No fuel would last 1000 years of aging and neither would the hardware. How could a hand full of cavemen destroy the entire Psychlos race when the Psychlos destroyed the entire might of the Worlds armies in 9 minutes 1000 years before? This implausible movie sucked plain and simple.
