I get the double standard.
Plenty of things depict females more forcefully seducing males and people attribute it to humor/comedy. I think there's a scene in the movie Wedding Crashers that illustrates some form of rape/abuse toward Vince Vaughn by a woman (maybe I have the movie wrong?).
Basically it is styled as "humorish" and acceptable when a guy is in a sexually vulnerable/compromising position from either men or women or such -- but the other way around a lot of people want to say it's bad, even if the woman/girl is perfectly fine with it (like in the cases of female teachers getting lighter punishments for sleeping with male students vs. male teachers sleeping with their female students as an example). There's no good reason to give someone a much lighter sentence than another when they both did the same thing/same outcome. There are plenty of double standards out there that go both ways of course, but this is just one.
When it's one guy just trying to tempt a female in to sexual activity (not being forceful even) people are quick to liken it to some kind of rape or such or a "grey area." If trying to tempt someone to do something was bad, practically everyone would be bad then.
People seem to greatly associate men as these forcing, violent animals, whereas seeing women as gentler and less "evil" in certain regards, like when it comes to sex. It's "innocent" to some people when a 19 year old girl sleeps with a 14 year old boy when both are okay with it -- but when you turn the tables many people change their minds pretty quickly when the end conditions are pretty much identical in both hypothetical scenarios. In the end, culture and such definitely plays a role in how people liken men as rough/bad and women as soft/good in some ways. When all the details are the same, championing a double-standard is pretty pathetic/needless.