MovieChat Forums > Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Discussion > Remember when everyone thought this movi...

Remember when everyone thought this movie was bad?

They had no idea how much lower the franchise would sink


Not me. I liked it the first time. It's way better than all the following sequels.


Agreed. There's things I didn't like about it, like starting it the exact same way (who decides that crap??) but the rest was entertaining.

And I LOVED the ending - as weird and low key as it was. It worked for me and was kind of touching. I felt their position.

Yeah, it's not epic but had some fun action.


the ending completely saves the movie. it's pretty okay throughout, then bam! gut punch. elevates the whole picture from cash grab irrelevance to worthwhile installment.


They really should've ended it after 3



Why even make another movie if you are just going to use the same formula for a 3rd time.


It depends how you look at it. You can argue movies that came after it were worse, but a lot of people had already written it off by then. The expectations were much lower after this movie, so nothing else was a bigger disappointment.


Just because the proceeding ones were absolutely shit, doesn't mean we forgive this one for also being shit.


I think of good movies as memorable.

Terminator Salvation: MAYBE a CGI Arnold cameo
Terminator Genesys: Definitely nothing.
Terminator sequel with Linda Hamilton: I cant even remember the title to this movie.

Now we have T3:

A massive chase with real stunt people crashing into buildings and through glass atriums.
A shootout at a graveyard with the terminator holding a casket on his shoulder
The bleak somber ending

T3 is a damn classic compared to anything that followed. If T3 was THAT bad, why hasnt it been EASILY topped?



Those things aren't mutually exclusive. Stunts don't make the movie, it's the culmination of the script, directing, and acting and story. And besides, the vehicle and crane chase scene reeked of CGI too, the same uncanny fakeness that plagued this time period.

T3 is sub par. Yes, it's better than the other entries, but it's still not good.

You can't look at the other proceeding ones and go "Look, those suck too, so therefore T3 is good!"

That's not how any of this works lol

It "hasn't been topped" because EVERYTHING after T2 is so heavy handedly trying to shoehorn itself into the franchise. T1 and T2 were truly groundbreaking and about the story and filmmaking. T3 and beyond were just trying to stretch to make up reasons to exist in order to continue the franchise. You can almost hear the writers clicking their keyboards and pitching their ideas while watching T3 and beyond. This wasn't the case with he first two.


I thought T3 was under in, I thought it was better than people made it out to be. mind you I liked 4 and 5, so I might be doing something wrong


It was solid. Tried to be too funny, but it is still pretty enjoyable. Far from the worse Terminator


Well, it was pretty bad. Good ending almost makes it seem worthwhile in retrospect. I guess I saw the next one but I remember nothing of it. I guess they made more?


I've always liked it, just not as much as the first two.
