Chloe makes no sense
I get that she's at 'death's door', so to speak, but how can she be THIS terrible at marketing?
Women don't usually - because they don't have to - make any 'sexual moves', unless they are doing some 'spicy content' or whatnot.
There are so many simps, so many zillions and millions of men ready and willing to approach even the uglier hags as a constant, neverending, super big mass of dik, that women NEVER have to worry where their next coitus is coming from.
If Chloe really wants to get laid, she can, and will. The movie lies to us (not the only time, either) by showing Chloe without make-up, making a masculine move by trying to normalize asking for sex, especially as a woman.. that comes off as super aggressive and repulsive from a mating point of view.
Women don't ask for sex, because they don't need to ask it any more than men need to ask for oxygen. It's just an obvious fact of life, not to even have to think about it at all.
Chloe can't be this bad at marketing, because women know from a young age to post-wall, that all they have to do is 'provoke' men, and they will juimp to hump them. Even post-wall hags can just 'advertise' and men will come. They don't have to be direct, they don't have to ask, it will happen, because MEN ARE HORNY.
You can't do all the wrong things after living in a female body for so long. Chloe should KNOW better.
She could ABSOLUTELY get laid, but not by saying 'I just want to get laid for the last time' - NO ONE would ever say that. Chloe should know that to do that, she just has to 'provoke', and THAT'S IT.
Now, for someone that looks like a 'skeleton' or whatever, she absolutely should not dress like that, talk like that, or have a plain face like that, if she wants to achieve that weird goal (though why would a woman want that any more than a man would like to eat a bowl of oatmeal one last time.. ?)
She could wear make-up. She could use filters. She could wear wigs, sexually provocative clothes, AND SO ON. I don't have to tell anyone, SHE SHOULD KNOW this crap already very well.
She could go to places other than that weird meeting with only a handful of men, to meet the horny simps that don't care what a woman looks like (or almost don't), men that are currently utilizing beer goggles and so on. Men can easily thought someone a super beauty that they in the morning realize was not even mediocre, but in fact, an awful-looking witch-hag. (I have seen this happen in real life)
Chloe would be an absolute 'coitus-queen' if she just wore what I mentioned, used enough right kind of make-up the right way, wore right kind of wig, went to the right place, where tons of horny men exist under the influence of something like alcohol. She could _SO_ easily 'get laid', it boggles the mind.
Even if it's a 'sober' situation, however, she could ADD something to the repertoire - for example, she could find out the man's 'kink', if he has one, and then accommodate for that. If it is a pre-arranged thing, she could read about the 'kink', then make up stories or download them and memorize them and learn to act them believably, and the man would remain aroused regardless if she is a little worn out and doesn't look the best (remember, she'd still have wig, make-up, 'certain clothes' and it could be a bit dark in there, moody music and 'movies' playing in the background and so on, AND the man would probably be under the influence).
She could whisper the 'kink' stuff to his ear and combining everything I have already mentioned in this post, she would easily get what she wants, EVEN from the handful of men in that small meeting.
She ABSOLUTELY should not have gone to the mic and say what she said wearing no make-up, that scarf or whatever, and looking like a skeleton and sounding masculine and desperate.
She should have gone to a different place, wearing different things, doing and saying different things, and BANG! no problem being banged.
The problem is, SHE SHOULD ALREADY KNOW THIS by that age.. and somehow doesn't?
That just does NOT make any sense.