MovieChat Forums > Patch Adams (1998) Discussion > WHY does nobody like this movie?

WHY does nobody like this movie?

Honestly, I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I can only find about 2 other people who like this movie.

I'm one of those people who cry at everything (and by everything I mean legit everything, including jewelry commercials) and of course, I was bawling from the second the film started right up until the end. I absolutely love it.

I understand the sap-factor of the movie and that it is melodramatic at certain parts, but I feel like it's necessary! Is that the only reason people don't like it? Because I honestly don't think it was a poorly made movie in the least. The acting is great, the part is perfect for Williams, and I think the script is at least decent. The monologue on the cliff is amazing. If you don't like sappy movies, that's your problem, but that's the only reason I've gotten so far as to why people dislike Patch Adams, but almost everyone says they hate the movie.

Can someone please fill me in on reasons people don't like this?! It's a mystery to me, honestly.


It is weird, i enjoyed JACK and Ms. Doubtfire yet i find myself so indifferent to this movie and i don't know why



It has to do with the fact that his love interest got killed. Nobody likes a movie (even if this murder happened in real life), where the main character loses the one he loves and doesn't quite live happily ever after in the end. It made a lot of people cry and feel bittersweet about the ending. Oh sure, Patch gets his unique hospital, but he has no girl to share it with and probably lived alone for the rest of his life.


Because of manipulative overdirecting, cliche writing, the sappiest musical score ever composed, lousy one-dimensional characters, and the subtly of Disney Channel original TV movie.

The medical teachers and professors are composed like Nazi Gestapo officers, every room they're in is gray, cold, and poorly lit to help the stupid audience understand how totalitarian they are. Every side character is a pretentious snob who sticks their nose up and scoffs at every word that comes out of Patch's mouth, only to eventually learn the error of the arrogance and be seen clapping and smiling by the film's climax. The screenplay crowbars every hamfisted, convoluted, contrived sniveling cliche, trying to tug at our emotions in such a forcefully calculated manner that seems more like a programmed simulation wrote the script in binary after scanning every no-budget Halmark/Lifetime movie through its computing. Patch Adams is a flawless demigod among men who can do no wrong, even when he does so much wrong; he comprehends more about medicine in one day than his professors do after 20 years of practice, and can ace tests with perfect scores without studying a single time. On top of all of this, the story completely misses the point of the real Patch Adam's biography in ways so jarring it almost seems intentional, as if the crew hated the actual Adams and wanted to water down his story as much as possible. As a cheap drama, it's a bad visit to the doctor. As a biographical film, it's a botched surgery.

I'm watching it right now and every scene makes me cringe.


Now that's a reply...


I like this film



Because it is birthday card shite.


Because it’s very contrived, cliched and overly sappy not to mention highly inaccurate. They also never give us a convincing reason to be on Patch’s side, all he really does is act like a jackass
