
First off, I'll have you know that I'm a Mormon, and I knew from the start that this film was not to be taken seriously. Hell, some parts are quite hilarious.

However, I still think that it's rather degrading to see my religion portrayed this way. In fact, I looked at some other topics here and found that there seems to be a negative feeling against "Mormonism". It's one thing to disagree with a religion, but it's another to mock someone else for it.

And yes. I know that South Park made fun of all these different religions, and that it was to be expected in this movie. But still: y all teh h8? D:

I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of all this after having been called a "Devil Worshipper" who belongs to some "Sick Cult" so many times. :|


i know this is a damn late reply to such an old post, but just so u know, i didn't find it degrading, on the contrary i found mormons to be portrayed as really sweet ppl in this film. i mean, even in SP they're portrayed as good ppl, if anything TOO good, so i dont see what's wrong. think of us poor muslims, we're portrayed as terrorists and fanatics in almost every movie!


You're an idiot, and so is everyone else. Its a *beep* movie. Watch it. Enjoy it or don't, but shut the *beep* up.


I think that, compared to the way Trey Parker and Matt Stone have slammed other religions, that they were pretty respectful towards Mormonism. They were basically portrayed as good-natured, nice and, okay, very innocent and naïve. But still, look at how they do Catholicism and Scientology in South Park.

I hate it when people's signatures can get confused with their messages


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah my ridiculously anti-scientific religion is being made fun of for its silliness. Maybe you should stop worshiping the devil.


I think all religion is stupid and the ideas behind all of them are also stupid, but this movie isn't making fun of Mormonism at all! It just so happens that he's Mormon and because of that he is reluctant to star in the porno. There isn't a point in the movie at all that said something that isn't true about Mormons.
If it was a hardcore Catholic guy I don't think it would have been different at all. Matt and Trey just love using Mormons in their work.


shut up


I just saw that Trey and Matt are going to make a movie called: The Book of Mormon.
Probably should avoid it. It will no doubt go too far.

I do have to say that they do seem to mock most religions pretty well so you know what you're getting into..


Don't worry, all religions are stupid, not just yours.


Part of being an American is learning to take your lumps with the others. That is the price of freedom. You can't find other things that are hilarious, then complain when a personal issue of yours is attacked. Well, you can, but you look like a schmuck when you do it.

Grow a spine.
