
First off, I'll have you know that I'm a Mormon, and I knew from the start that this film was not to be taken seriously. Hell, some parts are quite hilarious.

However, I still think that it's rather degrading to see my religion portrayed this way. In fact, I looked at some other topics here and found that there seems to be a negative feeling against "Mormonism". It's one thing to disagree with a religion, but it's another to mock someone else for it.

And yes. I know that South Park made fun of all these different religions, and that it was to be expected in this movie. But still: y all teh h8? D:

I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of all this after having been called a "Devil Worshipper" who belongs to some "Sick Cult" so many times. :|


Is just anyone allowed to go into your temple for a service? No. Are your sacred ceremonies public. No. Can you be excommunicated from your family? Yes. If you don't tithe 10%, will you still be considered a Mormon. No. If you are not related by blood to one of the "9" or Joe himself... can you become a church leader. No. Do you believe there is just one savior and it is Jesus and Jesus alone. Sort of.

For these and so many other reasons, Mormons are a cult. They do not believe in Jesus in the same way other Christians do. They believe in Jesus the way that Terminator 3 was as good or better than the first 2-- which is to say they believe the sequel is just as good as the original.

The definition of a cult is a church that excludes members who do not rigidly adhere to doctrine, who are required to pay for salvation, where all of their "truth" will not be set down and dispensed from the get go for all to understand (so they can change the rules as they go), hold ceremonies only in private-- unable to be viewed by the public-- for members only. Scientology qualifies under this rubric also. Branch Davidians. Jim Jones. These are all qualities that they have in common, religions that are referred to as cults.

Mormon's are GREAT people, wonderful human beings, credit to their communities-- blond haired and blue eyed with generally perfect teeth (they have a dental plan)-- I know, I dated several in high school, right up until they figured out I was not Mormon. However, they have a truly insane religion, they are not as nice as they appear, they really ARE trying to convert your children, which is why their Churches are usually found very near public schools and are referred to as "recreation centers"... because INDOCTRINATION centers... would be pushing it. When I was discovered as not tithing, not 100% faithful, I was shunned by the people who had pretended to be my friend to try and convert me, coworkers refused to talk to me, classmates refused to work or talk with me, police were sent over to my house to tell me to stay away from them, the principal of my school called be into his office to give me a lecture about "stalking" my mormon girlfriend-- by my dating her when she asked me out. I lived in Mesa, AZ... where every street is named after one of the original founding Mormons.

I bear them no hatred, but advance them no trust. I came to know them and their religion well, and they are deserving of all the derision and more. If people knew more about the real history of the mormon church, I doubt the church would even still exist. I was told many of these secrets by one of the granddaughters of "the original 9" (Mormon Apostles, kind of). They believe that dark features of any kind are indications of the devil in you, which is why blacks were excluded for so long. It is also why they are nearly universally fair eyed, light haired, light skinned--- they seek to marry and breed with only the whitest of the white.

They are not evil, but they are dangerous. They mean well, but they will do you wrong. They are prosperous, but believe in nepotism above all else. They ar good people, but with very fatal flaws. Don't drink their "nice guy" coolaid: like a amoral salesman, they want a commission on bringing your soul and bringing your kids souls to the Mormon faith so they can become cosmic gods (part of the story they WON'T discuss until you mime a hari-kari style ritual making an oath to the church for life in 'magic' underwear-- yes, you heard me right).


Look who it is president of the Ned Flanders fan club Shut up bible thumper

"I fought your kind in the great war and we kicked the living *beep* out of you"


Actually though.. The Mormon is shown as a good decent man who becomes a hero.. All in all I can't think of anyone to complain showing followers of their religion as being too good/nice.


Mormonism isn't being degraded. It's just being shown for the silliness it already is. Anyway, like mcgill_j said, Mormons are gentle and kind in the movie, and the Mormon character rises to hero status at the end.

See the South Park episode "All About Mormons?" where Trey Parker really digs into Mormonism. The mocking of that religion in this movie is nothing compared to that South Park episode. South Park also thrashes Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, and Scientology.

Recommendations for South Park episodes:

Mormonism - Episode "All About Mormons?", Season 7 Episode 12
Judaism - Episode "Jewbilee", Season 3 Episode 9
Christianity - Episode "Christian Rock Hard", Season 7 Episode 9
Catholicism - Episode "Red Hot Catholic Love", Season 6 Episode 8
Islam - Episode "Super Best Friends", Season 5 Episode 4
Islam - Episodes "200" and "201", Season 14 Episodes 5 and 6
Scientology - Episode "Trapped in the Closet", Season 9 Episode 12


In "All About Mormons" it's not Mormons who come out looking like jerks, it's Stan. The whole point of that episode is that many Mormons are good people and Gary was just trying to be a good friend to Stan, but Stan was so arrogant and self-centered that he couldn't look past Gary's religion. It felt like they were defending good religious people against hyper-judgmental people.


They make fun of atheists too.

"Red Hot Catholic Love"- when atheists poop out their mouths
"Go God Go"- Richard Dawkins and Mrs. Garrison, they also mock the FSM argument and the claim that evolution answers life's greater questions/mysteries. Stan says, "Couldn't evolution be the answer to the "how" and not the "why"?" (a perfectly reasonable thing to ponder) and Mrs. Garrison says, "Retard alert! Retard alert!" lol

South Park is an equal opportunity offender. No one is spared. That is precisely why it's such a great show. PC doesn't apply in South Park. They're the only show around today that isn't ruled by political correctness.


If you think it's degrading, don't watch it.


this certainly won't ruffle your delicate feathers then.

On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion



Maybe I'm just tired of all this after having been called a "Devil Worshipper" who belongs to some "Sick Cult" so many times

Then go full Atheist.

"I'm not used to being out in months that don't begin with 'O'."
-The Ringmaster, Dark Harbor
