
First off, I'll have you know that I'm a Mormon, and I knew from the start that this film was not to be taken seriously. Hell, some parts are quite hilarious.

However, I still think that it's rather degrading to see my religion portrayed this way. In fact, I looked at some other topics here and found that there seems to be a negative feeling against "Mormonism". It's one thing to disagree with a religion, but it's another to mock someone else for it.

And yes. I know that South Park made fun of all these different religions, and that it was to be expected in this movie. But still: y all teh h8? D:

I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of all this after having been called a "Devil Worshipper" who belongs to some "Sick Cult" so many times. :|


It's even more degrading to the porn industry than mormon religion, and yet there's pornstars in it, they just got a sense of humor and aren't as sensitive as you and everyone else with a religion, and they even got you religious, self righteous, none tolerant people on their backs all the time.


You are all mental, the only true religion is The Flying Spaghetti Monster!! Its just as crazy and plausible as any other religion, so why can't it be true??????


You heretic! The one true faith is obviously the church of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, blessed be her holy hooves.


At a moment like this all I can do is quote Mrs. Garrison.

"No, I totally get it now! Evolution explains everything! There is no great mystery to life, just evolution and God's a spaghetti monster! Thank you, Richard!"
- Mrs. Garrison "Go God Go"- South Park Season 10 Episode 12


Time to face facts, all religions are wrong. There is no God. If there was, couldn't he have stopped me writing this? I challenge God to show himself to me. If he exists, let him deposit $50 million in my bank account on an annual basis, and I will believe in him. Until then, bugger off.


All religion is stupid and you all deserve a wake up call


Wow. I don't have a cliched, unthorough, prejudiced atheist agenda like half of the other people on this forum, but in refuting your point, Trey and company were simply trying to put a new spin on the fish out of water Hollywood story, and a Mormon in the porn industry was merely the most contrasting and potentially comedic take they could come up with. It's just a premise, really, and satire comes with the territory. In the end, Joe comes off as the most noble character in the film, and all of the ribbing they have with Mormonism comes off in jest. On the other hand, when they and most comedic writers satirize other American religions, it's often done in spite. Trey and Matt are definitely cool with Mormons. They've said themselves that they definitely respect Mormon lifestyles, they just find the literal beliefs to be a little ridiculous, which they never bring up in Orgazmo. In fact, one of the most influential writers on South Park, Kyle McCulloch, is a Mormon.


religion sucks balls

No 2nd Amendment, know tyranny.
James Cameron sucks balls


It's not a sick cult. It's just a cult. A cult that focuses on family unity. The actual doctrine of Mormonism gets me riled up, but the lifestyle is productive, welcoming, purpose-driven, etc. And yes, Mormonism is much more ridiculous than straight-up Christianity or Judaism or Wicca or Atheism and founded by a sick, manipulative racist. Kind of like Islam or Scientology. But you have to admit it works. I've never met a Latter-Day Saint in despair. Unhappy? Sure, but stripped of their overall joy? No, no way, no how. You just piss people off when you knock on their doors like a salesman. If you just left people alone maybe we'd invite you to go bowling next Tuesday.

Nothing is sacred when it comes to comedy.


i personally think all the Book of Mormon stuff was made up, but come on, they're still Christians, and lets be quite frank - has anyone met an *beep* Mormon? they're like, the nicest friggin' people i've ever met. so all the power to 'em.


idk, I hate ppl like u ts


Nobody cares what you think. Joseph Smith was a con-artist who was wanted by the U.S government. This con-artist pulled a con on some idiots and now we have to deal with Mormons who molest children because true Mormons who follow the original teachings of Joseph Smith are polygamists.

This is not talking down about the con, I mean your "religion", it is telling the truth that is conveniently forgotten by your church. I don't understand how any intelligent person can know about the con-artist Joseph Smith and still blindly follow the BS he made up.
