First off, I'll have you know that I'm a Mormon, and I knew from the start that this film was not to be taken seriously. Hell, some parts are quite hilarious.
However, I still think that it's rather degrading to see my religion portrayed this way. In fact, I looked at some other topics here and found that there seems to be a negative feeling against "Mormonism". It's one thing to disagree with a religion, but it's another to mock someone else for it.
And yes. I know that South Park made fun of all these different religions, and that it was to be expected in this movie. But still: y all teh h8? D:
I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of all this after having been called a "Devil Worshipper" who belongs to some "Sick Cult" so many times. :|
"but face it - it is a very VERY stupid concept. It's up there with scientology."
Yeah. So is the idea that a man died, and 3 days later miraculously became alive. What makes the Latter-day Saint's leap of faith any more stupid than Christianity's?
I'm neither Mormon nor Christian, and was raised Catholic, as a point of reference.
"Isnt Catholic a denomination of Chrisitanity (like lutherans and methodists)"
Sort of. I guess it depend on who you ask, but uppity mainstream Christians wouldn't want to be associated with Catholicism, and uppity Catholics would want the distinction as well, thinking they are better than other Christians (because the Pope said so).
It's sad, really, considering these are supposed to be beliefs of love and acceptance. And I think "Muslim" is now considered a racial slur...
I'm going to bed. Wake me when everything makes sense again.
uppity mainstream Christians wouldn't want to be associated with Catholicism
Mind you, Catholicism is the mainstream one.
Not saying it's true -- it's as much bull$hit as all religions ever invented. But in a historical sense, it is probably the main one. Although you could make a case for the Eastern Orthodox Church. But Protestant churches are definitely not the "core" Christianity.
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Just to clarify, if you want to go from historical sense, then yes Catholicism would be the main one. The Eastern Orthodox broke of from Catholicism, as did the first Protestant churches, with later ones breaking off from those. Just thought I'd drop some knowledge
To be fair, there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 different sects of christianity, and I would include LDS among them, so the reality is that the most prominant feature of christianity is their ability to disagree.
I am just waiting for someone to make a parody on Scientology so we can all laugh you know. Especially if someone acts like Tom Cruise when he was bouncing on Oprah Winfreys couch. LOL
That is not good when you have a big name star quit the show.
In June I just completed my first movie script called THE POSSESSION OF INNOCENCE and created a Facebook page for the movie. If you would like to know who has been casted for the movie or anything new then check it out. Thank you for your time, help, and support.
Unfortunately Mr. Hays passed away a few years ago. It is sad that they lost a good star like him for the show. That is why you have not heard anything else from him.
What makes the Latter-day Saint's leap of faith any more stupid than Christianity's?
It's worth mentioning that Mormons believe in pretty much everything that Catholics/Protestants do and some extra things as well. They're all Christians, they all have the same Bible, the Mormons just have an extra book.
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Well, I did not personally think they went after Mormonism that hard in this movie. In fact, they were pretty respectful of it. Now, Trey Parker hammered it pretty good on the one South Park episode. I think you have this movie confused with that episode. I have a few friends that are Mormon, quite a few. And I like them and they are good people, but, the Mormon religion has always come across borderline insane to me. But this is America and to each their own, hell, we are probably going to elect a Mormon President in 2008.
I don't know, those Scientologists seem awfully happy, maybe they are just crazed. I was thinking about joining, but don't have the money to move very far up on their lunar totem pole.
Well...the monetary aspect, Tom Cruise's Oprah rant, and drug addiction aside, L. Ron Hubbard, who created Scientology with his fictional work "Dianetics", also wrote Battlefield Earth for Christ's sake! If that doesn't raise a red flag to someone, then they are probably just stupid enough to join that fruity little club.
Scientology targets people who are mentally disturbed and/or at the end of their ropes. They pick on the weak because they're the most easily swayed. I wouldn't call them stupid, but very very misguided.
You see, I have been mentally disturbed, misguided, depressed, et cetera several times in my life, and have never even come close to considering something as idiotic as Scientology.
Oh for the love of GOD quit picking on Scientology!
I can't stand people who talk about Scientology as if it's not a valid religion because of its' beliefs. Don't you get it??? What makes it a religion is the fact that it has unprovable and fantastical beliefs!!!
In summation, Scientology will hereafter have the same relevance as any other religion in my life.
It's not about their belief system you twit! Do some research before you make wild claims like that. L. Ron Hubbard created this "religion" from a fictional work he himself wrote, then CHARGED people to join to make up for his failures as a writer! He then engaged in MANY illegal activities, and his organization continues to use scare tactics to keep damaging information out of the media.
By your standards, someone could start a religion based on Star Trek, tell people that the show and movies were prophetical works, then make people pay to join. Would that be a religion that deserves tax-exemption?? NO!
"Do some research before you make wild claims like that. L. Ron Hubbard created this "religion" from a fictional work he himself wrote"
I didn't make that claim. Sorry.
"He then engaged in MANY illegal activities, and his organization continues to use scare tactics to keep damaging information out of the media. THAT IS NOT A *beep* RELIGION!!!"
Yeah, because real religions don't commit illegal acts, use scare tactics or persuade the media. Or they actually do.
"By your standards, someone could start a religion based on Star Trek, tell people that the show and movies were prophetical works, then make people pay to join. Would that be a religion that deserves tax-exemption?? NO!"
Well, I believe that no religions deserve tax exemption. I think that unfairly favors the more established world religions, and creates a distinction between them and newer belief systems.
Like I said before, I'm just tired of the double standard people have for Scientology. As if its' beliefs are somehow invalid because they came from a work of fiction. Well, you'd be surprised how much of the Bible is fictional. I say, if you bring down the heat on Scientology, then you have to do the same to every other belief system, no matter how traditional or plausible they seem.
To start with, I am a nihilist and proud of it. So don't go talking to me like I'm a *beep* bible-thumper.
I was referring to your claim that people are unfairly bringing the hammer down on Scientology, when, in fact, it is wholly justified.
Name another religion that files lawsuits as often as Scientology, and I'll give up. They don't merely persuade the media, people in the know are *beep* terrified to bash them publicly after seeing how many careers they have brought down.
Again, do your research. Established world religions are not the only organizations that can claim tax exemption. Nearly ALL nonprofit organizations qualify, and this just happens to include most religions. They don't charge membership/admission fees, they don't sell any products. They operate on donations made by those who don't wish to burn in hell (scare tactics, yes). My ex's father operates two nonprofits, one is religion based, the other isn't. They both qualify for tax-exemption status because they give to the community, they don't funnel funds into personal interests like Scientology.
You don't seem to be seeing the main difference between Scientology and accepted religions. Scientology is a for-profit cult. It forces people to sever non-Scientologist family ties, and creates unproductive members of society. Let's compare that to one of the worst examples, Catholisism. The Catholics are a not-for-profit pseudo-cult which just happens to make assloads of money through tithings and other donations. It forces people to sever ties with their better logic and to sing droll songs, but generally makes productive and ethical members of society.
If you had ever known anyone who had once been in a cult, or would bother to read up on personal accounts of Scientology, you would be singing a very different tune.
Established world religions are not the only organizations that can claim tax exemption."
I didn't say that or imply it.
"They operate on donations made by those who don't wish to burn in hell (scare tactics, yes)."
So you agree with me.
"It forces people to sever non-Scientologist family ties, and creates unproductive members of society."
Scientology does not "force" anyone to do anything. Those who buy into the belief system are responsible for the decisions they make, including severance of family ties. True, they got the idea from their beliefs. but, do you think that Scientologists are the only ones to question family ties because of religion? My parents wouldn't get married until my dad converted to Catholicism, because that's what my mom's mom wanted. Sound familiar? And - unproductive? Unproductive how? Clarify, please, or at least post a source.
"The Catholics are a not-for-profit pseudo-cult which just happens to make assloads of money through tithings and other donations."
Well, now you're talking about something I know a lot about. I was raised Catholic. The Roman Catholic Church got most of its' power and wealth from the immense amount of land owned by the Holy See, not weekly tithing (which is only used to keep individual parishes up and running).
"If you had ever known anyone who had once been in a cult, or would bother to read up on personal accounts of Scientology, you would be singing a very different tune."
And if you'd take the time to read about Scientology objectively (instead of diving only into the negative personal accounts)...
Alright, let me get this straight...I challenged you to find a RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION that files lawsuits as often as Scientology. Your response was a link to a story about a high school student and his parents filing suit against a teacher. Are you cleverly trying to hide your illiteracy? Or did you just not find anything, and hoped I wouldn't follow the link and/or not understand it's implications?
I don't care to back and look, but I know you had stated that tax-exemption status unfairly seperated the established world religions from newer ones. Now I say that to be *beep* because any non-profit religion can file for tax exempt status. Now you back up and claim that it is all immaterial?
You AGAIN make claims without doing a stitch or research. Since you clearly have problems with reading, I'll do it for you. I'll even be nice and use hyperlinks, which you neglected to do for me with that...ummm...I guess we can call it research. I will do this because unlike you, I actually WANT you to see these.
You don't know the first thing about this cult if you think that they simply "got the idea from their beliefs". Read up on "fair game". Oh hell, I suppose I'll provide a link, because I know you won't go find it yourself. If you are one of those nutjobs that doesn't like Wikipedia, here's another.
As for unproductive, beyond having their lives limited to serving the cult, there are also much more disturbing examples. Here is one where a woman was brainwashed into not getting treated for her cancer. I'll bet she isn't a very productive member of society dead...which she now is.
If these links didn't fully satisfy you, or you think they are biased, let me know. There are THOUSANDS more.
Yes, I know about the Vatican's immense wealth, I was referring to domestic matters. The Catholic Church has a formidable stateside wealth that is largely fueled by the individual parishes.
You really shouldn't be passing judgement on my research. I study everything as objectively as is possible, but there just isn't any decent research to be done on the pros of Scientology. All positive information is either released by $cientology itself, half-heartedly by current members, or is obviously completely baseless in it's implications, such as what you have said in this thread. "C'mon guys, don't pick on them. I don't know the first thing about them, but they can't be so bad, right? Who's with me?"
We can keep going like this forever. You are more interested in winning an argument than you are in learning something. This is by such a wide margin, you seem to not care that you look like a grade A fool doing so. I don't mind an argument either, and I dislike losing anything very much. The major difference is, all you have to go on is semantics and pure arguing ability. I have that as well, plus a knowledge base on the topic and hand, and MOUNTAINS of data to back me up.
If you insist on continuing, I'll understand. You're a douche, it's in your nature.
You don't know the first thing about this cult if you think that they simply "got the idea from their beliefs". Read up on "fair game". Oh hell, I suppose I'll provide a link, because I know you won't go find it yourself. If you are one of those nutjobs that doesn't like Wikipedia, here's another.
As for unproductive, beyond having their lives limited to serving the cult, there are also much more disturbing examples. Here is one where a woman was brainwashed into not getting treated for her cancer. I'll bet she isn't a very productive member of society dead...which she now is."
First off, you are right. It was presumptuous of me to question the validity of your argument.
Now, here we go:
So you've got all these websites that have what you think is overwhlemingly damning evidence about illegal activities within the Church of Scientology. And they may be very valid sources. But, if there were such irrefutable evidence, wouldn't it be used to follow civil and/or criminal charges against the organization?
You gave me 2 links on "Fair Game", and one of those links said that Fair Game no longer occurs (and I found evidence to back it up). Just pointing it out.
As for brainwashing, I would say that by and large, the notion of brainwashing is that it is a sensationalist theory. Of course, I am stealing words from this site:
Besides all that, were we to start singling out religions because of legal troubles, may I also suggest the FLDS for polygamy, and various Christian Churches (not just the weirdo Catholics) for sexual abuse.
You know, I just realized that maybe you think I'm defending Scientologists who have sued others. Of course, I don't think that's right, because it's frivolous (on the order of the McDonalds suit in 1993, you know, the hot coffee incident?) Frivolous lawsuits waste resources, and make the courts less efficient.
At any rate, why do you feel the need to repeatedly insult me, when I clearly have not done so to you? at any rate, I have a feeling that, if this discussion were to continue, it would dissolve into an Internet pissing war, something I want no part of. You?
Olive branch accepted. I appologize for the insults, I tend to get a little worked up when it seems as though someone is defending scumbags and then alludes to me being the unreasonable party.
Scientology isn't without it's convictions. Murder, Criminal Association, Interfering with a Witness, the largest Libel case in Canadian history, Espionage, B&E, Stealing U.S. Government Documents, and Fraud like a thousand times. These I can remember off the top of my head, I'm sure you can find many more if you care to. Check out "Operation Snow White" if you want to see one of the biggest non-favorable infiltrations into our government on record, a conspiracy puppeteered by L. Ron himself. A lot of people went to prison in that one, including LRH's wife.
Scientology is trying to build itself a new face now that Tom Cruise is their ambassador. To say that Fair Game isn't used anymore is pure speculation. It seems far more likely that they have changed their tactics, making their actions less obvious. The foremost authorities on the subject, Annonymous, seem to think Fair Game is alive and well.
The brainwashing is far from sensationalist, I can assure you. Having nearly lost a family member to a cult that is far less devisive than this one, I can tell you that it happens, and it happens fast.
Yes, many religious organizations are in need of a little heat, not just Scientologists. Although, I am surprised to see you put Christian Churches down for sexual abuse. The abuse isn't intrinsic to the nature of Christianity, nor does it seem to be accepted. The only disturbing thing I saw there (except the individual's actions, of course) was the Pope's "as long as it was only 1 child" ruling. So they went from chastity to monogamy, I guess.
"I tend to get a little worked up when it seems as though someone is defending scumbags and then alludes to me being the unreasonable party."
I figured that out yesterday in a moment of clarity. I would have thought the same thing in your shoes, probably. And for the record, I really don't have too many convictions one way or the other on fringe religions, but I do tend to play the devil's advocate more often than not.
Some people have very deeply held beliefs and what you're suggesting is that we should respect those beliefs and not poke too much fun at them.
But what most people with deeply held beliefs never seem to understand is that they aren't the only ones who feel things strongly. Sometimes there are people who feel very strongly, from the bottom of their hearts, that you're all *beep* nuts.
Please stop perpetuating the idea that you can get away with saying absolutely anything without fear of being held accountable for it, so long as you call it a religion.
"Are you in the army?" "No man, I just have short hair."
If I'm not mistaken, this sort of film would not be watched by a Mormon simply because they find, as with other christian religions, pornography degrading and should not watch it...I have it on DVD and it's helluva funny...the best bit is T Rex hands down!
Wow one movie that pokes fun at mormons. I feel real bad that the three mormons that saw this movie were offended. Try being jewish. Even the Jews poke fun at themselves in their movies. Also all religions are stupid and unbelievable. Imagine, that you heard someone tell you that their savior can walk on water, and will come back from the dead to bring world peace, or that a man can take a staff and part the sea.
That's right. They're all sick cults. The only difference between someone who believes jesus is their savior and someone who believes the CIA is trying to bombard them with thought-control beams is that the CIA guy has a prescription for Thorazine.
To those making fun of mormons, every religion is ridiculous. None make logical sense and only sound logical because they've been shoved down your throats your whole life. It's like watching pro wrestling. If you grew up watching it you might consider it silly but you don't comprehend how ridiculous the idea of 300 pound roided up wrestlers fake wrestling around in spandex truly is. Just like christians. To them a man rising from the dead might make logical sense but if anyone came up to you claiming they were the son of god who rose from the dead they'd be thrown in a nut house and kept in a rubber room for the rest of their life.
Try telling a Christian that his religion is based on vampirism and zombies and watch the puzzled look on his face. Then explain how Jesus told his disciples to drink his blood and then he rose from the dead. No matter how you spin it, that's vampires and zombies right there.
"Are you in the army?" "No man, I just have short hair."
If you noticed in the "All About the Mormons" episode at the end of the episode they in a South Park way defend Mormonism. They were just being themselves.
Also, the world is full of a$$holes but it doesn't in anyway help that Joseph mith was a self centered pervert.
I'm a Mormon as well and I think the movie is genius. If anything, this movie actually makes us look good. There are a lot of inaccuracies but it's just a movie. The only people I know who say, "Jesus and I love you," are the people who have seen this movie. It's not personal, it's a movie.
How was it really disrespectable to Mormons. Trey says Heavenly Father, that's a term used quite a bit. He was uncomfortable with doing what he did, which most mormons would. He was a goody two shoes, but from i've read they knew and hung around a lot of mormons in Colorado, so he may have been acting like someone he knew. I mean come on in South Park, mormons were the only ones allowed in Heaven.
I´m also a Mormon, and I also find this movie hilarious! In fact, I've been watching for years all the stuff from Trey Parker and Matt Stone with my oldest son and we love it! Also, I know a lot of Mormons who enjoy watching South Park. (They don't curse, but they can stand another people's cursing) And in Mormon Cinema, there are a lot of comedies where we make fun of ourselves and our own clichés, so I dont think he is being disrespectful. Many Mormons won't watch this movie thinking it is a porn movie. I had it collecting dust for months, and finally watched it last night after reading this forum. What I found is a marvelous and very original comedy, and even though it is fully innacurate on its way of depicting us (I bet only Mormons will notice the innacuracies), does a great job at portraying us as normal, friendly, trusty people. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have been making fun for years not only about Mormons but about other Religions, too. And they have told several times that they use Mormons to depict people with the highest values, as their best friend and neighbor from their childhood was a Mormon.
Joseph Smith: I have, in my possession, an ancient book written on gold plates that tells of Jesus Christ's second coming. Here, in America. Martin Harris: In America? Really? That sounds kind of - Chorus: Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.