How could this ever be considered worse than Episode 1???

Minus some lame romance scenes, this film is undoubtedly the better film. The action scenes are way better and the story actually matters to the trilogy. We actually get to see Anakin transform from a normal guy into something more sinister. Episode 1 has fart scenes, an annoying kid, and a story that is almost entirely pointless and feels more like a bonus movie for diehard fans. I've never ever understood how there was any debate between which is worse. Episode 2 is not that good, mind you, but it's far better than 1.


My thoughts exactly


Agree. Also now that Rise of Skywalker and Last jedi exist how could this be considered the worst Star Wars movie ever?


Episode 1 is indeed terrible, but this one is so much worse. The plot lines go nowhere, nothing connects to anything else, and nothing of consequence happens. We don't see Anakin transform at all. We see him react to plot points and, very poorly, act as if something has happened. Padme barely exists as anything other than a plot device, and once she's fulfilled her final plot point she's literally thrown out of a ship. There's that incongruous '50s diner, and then the inexplicable clone planet that Obi Wan finds where he's told everything he needs to know for no reason other than it pushes the film along. We keep hearing about Sifo Dyas, but he's dropped and never shows up or matters, and suddenly with 20 minutes left in the movie Count Dooku shows up. Christopher Lee might be the only good thing in the film, and really delivers despite the inane dialogue and motivations he's given. We have the whole side plot of the supposed love story between Anakin and Padme, which is terribly done. They have zero chemistry, and nothing that happens between them suggests that she should be falling in love with him. He tells her he just massacred a bunch of children, and somehow she falls in love?

As bad as Episode 1 is, there's at least some semblance of a story moving the film along. This is like three shitty films that were partially completed, then mashed up into one nonsensical end result that even Ed Wood would think twice about releasing.

Of course, all that said, this is merely the overture to the terrible opera to follow, as the worst film of a terrible trilogy came next.



I think AOTC just edges it as the worst of the trilogy. But ROTS is without doubt, far and away the most overpraised and overrated film in the entire saga. To idea that it is better than anything other than AOTC, maybe and not by much, is utterly ludicrous.


I think it's the lightest on the action and that might be why some people consider it the worst of the prequels. I knows it kind of changed in my ranking a bit.


I rank it 8 out of 9, though I can see someone making a case to put it 9th. Where do you put it?


My ranking of the Prequels are now 3,1,2.


I think they get progressively worse, but honestly, they're all so awful that any order makes sense.




A game for horseflies, I say!


I agree. The only hassle I ever had with Attack of the Clones was its "grade b science fiction film from the fifties sounding title.


I have to agree. While I enjoyed all the prequels, I feel like each movie improved over the last. Phantom Menace had the better lightsaber battles, but Attack of the Clones was better overall.

Obi-Wan and Anakin were actually characters now; they and Padme took on more active roles; the acting from the three main leads was overall better than before, with Hayden being less annoying than Jake (yeah yeah, Jake was just a kid, but still); Jar Jar's role was greatly reduced while other characters like Yoda and Mace got to do more; and the plot was more relevant to setting up the OT, where as in Phantom Menace, they spent too much time setting up lame proxy villains (the Trade Federation and their droid army) to justify the need for a clone army and the empire.


LOTS of really video game looking CGI and lack of iconic cool characters like Qui-Gon and Maul is the biggest problem. Story wise, we get some intriguing teases but precious little delivery which is all but ignored in the third film, making it feel like an even bigger waste of time. I'm a big fan of this movie btw. I actually think it's the best "adventure film" of the original six. It feels most true, I think, to what Lucas had envisioned Star Wars being. That of a big over the top Flash Gordon adventure.
