Anti gay movie

Did you also notice how the movie tends to associate male-male sex with something negative all the way through?
The board members: Disowning his gay son, having sex with an 11 year old boy and doing whatever ghastly things to his own son.
Bob being shocked at Jay fantasizing about men and Jay going out of his way to prove he isn't a *beep* Same thing with Bartleby when Betthany thinks he's gay, though he isn't quite as negative in his denial.


Not sure if someone has covered this yet.

But Kevin Smith is actually a strong supporter of the Gay community. His brother is Gay as are some of his best friends.
The messages in the movies are not anti gay. They are just representing a certain heterosexual male attitude to homesexuality many straight men have.

Chris Thorpe

"The lore of the mind counts further than the words of the mouth."


Kevin Smiths brother is gay.


To refer to homosexuality in a negative context is not anti gay, any more than showing criminals in a negative light. Homosexuality is depraved and sinful - so what is wrong in representing it in a negative light?


No more opinions for you. You can't be trusted with them.

Let's be bad guys.



This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Well the gay is also more offensive to christian fundies, who most prob dont have a problem with a man raping a female child/ his own child (or is that just the priests)
