I am from a civilised place called Great Britain where we clearly value life more than people in the US (in general). THAT is where I get my moral guidance from.
Look, toots, I didn't ask where you're from. I asked the philosophical basis of your outrage against the principle of self-defense.
Of course, your little diatribe about the UK and the US was amusing. Not sure whether you've heard the bad news yet, but you folks lost the 'colonies' here a while back. From that point on, you haven't had any say in how we run things here.
People who 'shoot first, ask later' are headcases and have no qualms about taking another person's life. That is disturbing.
Just out of curiosity, which questions should Derek have asked when he opened that door? "May I help you, sir? Would you like the keys? When will you bring it back?"
Just because a thief has a gun does not mean that they are therefore dispensible.
Not according to our justice system.
You seem unable to grasp the importance of human life. I will bet my mortgage that all the people that think shooting someone over possessions is fair game are also pro capital punishment.
You mean you'll bet the money you owe your lender? What the heck does that mean? You can bet something you own, not something you owe. If you can't grasp a concept that simple, I can see why you'd have trouble comprehending the castle doctrine.
Another reason America is less civilised IMO.
You're certainly welcome to your opinion. Of course, we all know what they say about opinions. It'd be just fine with me if you kept your opinion out of America.