I don't disagree with your post, but.....
He was charged with "murder", according to the newspaper clipping in Danny's memorabilia box. Derek likely accepted a plea bargain for the voluntary manslaughter conviction. Danny typed in his AHX essay, "It would have been life if I had testified", then deleted it, indicates the prosecutor wasn't reasonably certain that without Danny's testimony he could get a murder conviction. Plea bargains to lesser charges are S.O.P. in CA. The problem is jury nullification. Without Danny's testimony, the "heat of passion" relevance is rather vague, as is the course of events leading to the death. A reasonable defense may be, a fight with an attacker, that lead to the death. A problem for the prosecutor would be to convince the jury this wasn't all one continuous event, with the final blow being arguably excessive. Danny's testimony breaks the "heat of passion" defense, as well as describes the execution, which clearly separates voluntary from involuntary, and may lead to murder 2. It wouldn't be murder, in any case, without evidence of the execution, and removing the heat of passion continuity. Add to that, a jury would not be aware of facts not in evidence (such as we viewing the film and knowing what a jury will never know), thus, no murder conviction. Danny would have been a hostile witness, which are extremely unpredictable, if he were allowed to testify against a sibling, at all. He was a juvenile, as well. His testimony would be very easily impeachable.
About the "morality", you are right, IMO. Not justified in any case. It was an execution of a now-deescalated threat. Derek may have been justified shooting him initially, but not justified with killing him afterward. Morality and hatred are only factors during sentencing, after a conviction based on facts in evidence.
Now, the driver Derek shot at would have been charged and likely convicted of murder, among the other charges, but not the curb subject's homicide. Felony murder has a very low burden of proof. He was a co-conspirator in the commission of a violent felony, and a death directly related to that crime did occur (the door gunman's).
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.