MovieChat Forums > The Postman (1997) Discussion > Why all American movies have the same me...

Why all American movies have the same message??

I didn't expect much of this movie, because of the low rating on IMDB, but I enjoyed watching it a lot. I am fan of SF movies, especially Post-apocalyptic movies. And this movie had very nice atmosphere and I'd been entertained a lot whole time. I liked this movie much better than another similar movie of Mr. Costner - Waterworld. But, the ending was very disappointing. WHY all American movies must have a propagandistic message in their movies? Aren't they sick of it themselves? It's very nationalistic, I'd say way too much nationalistic. I think the movies would be much better without such propaganda. Anyone with same opinion? The scene of the statue was also too much. Terrible ending.


the op was right these movies do all send the same message.....

yeehaa we are america we are the best the world is only saved because we done it

9/10 times though, they need a british actor playing the role of an american hero, ironic


I didn't notice that The Postman was too patriotic in a "USA USA USA" way. Must watch it again since I haven't seen it since it came out. I loved it. If it is patriotic, I don't think it was meant to be in a disrespectful, "all other countries suck" manner.

Americans are proud of their country -- even though it's obvious that it has its faults (like all other countries). The overt patriotism may seem too much for foreigners (and I totally understand that since I grew up in Canada) but that's just how it is. If you ever get to visit the U.S., I think you'll love it. It has its charms.


ive been to the us and its not the fact that to foreigners the patriotism seems too much, its outright ridiculous but the one country that fails to recognise that, surprise surprise, is the one country that does it


Stop watching American Movies, stick to the blockbusters from your Country...Oh, er, wait....

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


We are the greatest nation in history. And we (and you) know it.


When my country suffered a devastating earthquake several years ago, America was one of the few countries to offer help.Patriotism is what pulls a country together in times of crisis, it happened with the British during the blitz and with New Yorkers after 9/11. I think countries that don't have such strong patriotism more easily fall into the hands of dictators and tyrants,look at what happening now with ISIS in Syria and other places, the people are fleeing in the thousands but I think most Americans would stay and fight.

As Tom Petty said "You got to fight to be free"
And Peter Garrett "Better to die on your feet than live on your knees"
And Col.Hitchcock "Freedom is not free"

I think most Americans get that movies reinforce the feeling of patriotism.


Nations are crap. (see Chaplin quote below)

Hollywood is mostly crap. (get a clue)

This film isn't that patriotic. but..
A movie star with the name COSTNER is nauseating. (Hollywood is subtly not about money? WTF vomit)
His face spells WHITEY in a way that is also nauseating. (why I always feel sorry for him)
Tom Petty's face is even more nauseatingly whitey. As in, Florida whitey. (downright vomitorium)

The story about post-apocalypse downtrodden people rising by way of re-establishing the postal service is excellent. (I am NOT saying that because my dad worked at the post office... LoL)
However, there is a novel to read. So watching this film is not necessary. Unless, of course, you're in a hurry without any time to read. (pretty much all of our sorry, overworked arses; thanks Reaganomics for nothing)

People on this thread who support the film with defensive comments about American pride are, without one exception, a bunch of American idiots. (I am thoroughly ashamed to have been born in the USA)

"I am a citizen of the world." --Charlie Chaplin

p.s. The whole patriotic thing with regards to this flick (critics etc supposedly thought it was too patriotic), is a smokescreen to ease the shame of Costner's career having gone into the toilet with the making of these two flops (this one & Waterworld) after everyone loved 'Dances with Wolves' so much (which I don't understand seeing how that was dung, too: Hollywood pretending to care about Indians--new idea) despite how Universal Studios managed to break even by turning that piece of dung Waterworld into a carnival show at their theme park.
