Nations are crap. (see Chaplin quote below)
Hollywood is mostly crap. (get a clue)
This film isn't that patriotic. but..
A movie star with the name COSTNER is nauseating. (Hollywood is subtly not about money? WTF vomit)
His face spells WHITEY in a way that is also nauseating. (why I always feel sorry for him)
Tom Petty's face is even more nauseatingly whitey. As in, Florida whitey. (downright vomitorium)
The story about post-apocalypse downtrodden people rising by way of re-establishing the postal service is excellent. (I am NOT saying that because my dad worked at the post office... LoL)
However, there is a novel to read. So watching this film is not necessary. Unless, of course, you're in a hurry without any time to read. (pretty much all of our sorry, overworked arses; thanks Reaganomics for nothing)
People on this thread who support the film with defensive comments about American pride are, without one exception, a bunch of American idiots. (I am thoroughly ashamed to have been born in the USA)
"I am a citizen of the world." --Charlie Chaplin
p.s. The whole patriotic thing with regards to this flick (critics etc supposedly thought it was too patriotic), is a smokescreen to ease the shame of Costner's career having gone into the toilet with the making of these two flops (this one & Waterworld) after everyone loved 'Dances with Wolves' so much (which I don't understand seeing how that was dung, too: Hollywood pretending to care about Indians--new idea) despite how Universal Studios managed to break even by turning that piece of dung Waterworld into a carnival show at their theme park.