Well, let's see if we can come up with an actual cast for a real Nick fury movie. For those of you who don't know, Marvel is actually developing a script for a VERY dark Very HEavy Nick Fury Movie.
Michael T. Weiss is an interesting choice, but so far the most off-beat and intriguing one I've seen from the past posts was Henry Rollins... the ex-lead singer of the hardcore group Black Flag as Col. Nick Fury? That's bad-ass!
"Water's wet, sky's blue, women have secrets... who gives a f***?"
check out my post dated Thursday, March 11... I was actually the first one to suggest ol' Ash himself Bruce Campbell (and the first one to make a near-accurate suggestion for Col. Fury, too. I mean, Brad Pitt? Are you freakin' kidding me??)
"Water's wet, sky's blue, women have secrets... who gives a f*ck?"
1. Viggo Mortenson 2. David Morse 3. Nick Chinlund 4.Kiefer Sutherland 5. Peter Weller 6. Kurt Russell (We know he can work an eye-patch) 7. Rutger Hauer 8. William Sadler 9. Russell Crowe 10. Bruce Willis (If he can grow some hair)
Dude this isn't even about the Nick Fury casting, so I apologize to anyone that feels I shouldn't of posted this here, but I just had to...
Oh man, c'mon, that's like a spit to the face to all Bruce Campbell fans. Are you in fact a Bruce Campbell fan? I mean, just 'cause he's not your orthodox Hollywood standard actor doesn't mean he can't carry lead roles. Have you seen Bubba Ho-Tep??? Take a look at that movie, Viggo Mortenson couldn't pull that off, even if he had a gun pointed to his head. Did anyone see Hidalgo? Stop. Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.
And what's with that last comment there?
Are you implying that these aren't good movies? So just 'cause they aren't your average big budget movies, does that make them any less good? Have you even seen these movies? Just because they aren't these huge studio productions, doesn't mean they aren't good movies.
first of all shut up, and don't try and twist my words around. Evil Dead and Army of Darkness are some of my favorite films of all time and they are awesome, secondly I have seen Bubba Ho-Tep and it was awesome, and yes Campbell did a great job. But the fact still remains that he is a second rate actor. Bruce Campbell is great, but he cannot carry a movie that will be a big-budget superhero/action movie. Aisde from his cult fans, no onbe cares about Bruce Campbell and no one thinks he is that great (Sad, But true). Get over it.
Hey Jurrappersnappa How can you say that Bruce Campbell is great, then turn around and say that he's not all that great and no one cares about him? you are contradicting yourself. I think Campbell would be awsome as Fury. I would also like to see Clint Eastwood or Harrison Ford (if they hurry up and make it now)
yea, I agree I did contradict myself but let me clarify. Aside from the cult following That Bruce Campbell has not many people respect him as an actor. Its harsh to say but it is true. Most people do not respond to cult actors. I think he's great, I own all the movies on DVD that he is in with the exception of From Dusk til Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money. But the rumor mill is chiming that they are going to do the Nick Fury movie with a black actor based upon the modified comic that came out around 2000, and that they want Sam Jackson for the part. Check it out on WWW.COUNTINGDOWN.COM its a darn shame.
Must be from the Marve Knights series, in which I believe that Fury is in fact an African American.
Nice to see you you agree that you contradicted yourself, because clearly that's what you did. And it's a shame I hadn't been on the boards on quite a while, otherwise I would have told you to shut up, but too late for that now.
From Dusk til Dawn was a big dissapointment, but Bruce was on it, so I actually did rent the DVD.
And if you in fact truly are a Bruce Campbell fan, then I am sure you oppose the re-casting of an Ash from the talked about remake of Evil Dead. I personally wouldn't like to see that movie even touched. But that's just me, I know a lot of people who are hyped up about it. But maybe it's just me, but Bruce Campbell is Ash, and Ash is Bruce Campbell.
But yeah, Clint Eastwood would have owned as Nick Fury if he still looked the way he did in the man without a name series.
I still stand with Campbell on this one though. After all look who they casted as Fury when Fox did the movie. As far as I'm concerend Hasselhoff is joke.
1. Kurt Russell (We know he can work an eye-patch) O BABY! 2. Mel Gibson 3. Bruse Willis (If he can grow some hair) In Hollywood, anything is possible! But he would be the action hero boss man for sure! He played a Special Ops Commander in Tears of the Sun - so why not Bruce!
4. Rutger Hauer (maybe) 5. Russell Crowe (maybe) 6. Harrison Ford (maybe) 7. Sean Connery (while we are at it...) 8. Kevin Sorbo even!
In the newer versions they have turned Nick Fury in an Afro-American Vietnam vet, nearly bald and a patch still smoking good cuban cigars.
What about Densel Washington? or Samuel Jackson? someone of their caliber.
In the Marvel Ultimates universe Nick Fury is indeed a black dude, and even makes a joke in one issue of the Ultimates if there was a movie made the Samual L Jackson would have to play him.
As for the traditional Fury good casting would be Willis althopugh he would have to wear a wig, and as a result i'd take him about as serious as DH.
like the kiefer sutherland idea. watching 24 and seeing him play a badass as jack bauer, he could act the part. if they can make him look like fury(questionable), then he may be a good choice.
Nick Fury should be Mickey Rourke (Sin City, Man On Fire, Once upon a time in Mexico) Rourke is bad ass enough, Old enough, and the right look to play Fury
for whoever said Samuel Jackson or Denzel Washington needs to pull their heads out of their too too's. Fury is white, I'm sure they will be looking for a Power Man (Cage) actor down the road here. Besides that, Jackson has put his no-talent hand in enough comic/cult following flicks which he has made look like shat and made me grimmace by his utter lack of acting skills.
"for whoever said Samuel Jackson or Denzel Washington needs to pull their heads out of their too too's. Fury is white," Most marvel comics book movies as of late have been based heavily off marvels 'Ultimate U', in which nick fury is black, so they are justified in requesting those guys.
GEORGE CLOONEY!!! Come on....give me a break. I do like the guy as an actor, but didn't he already almost destroy one superhero franchise!! Bruce Campbell though is an inspired choice, why unlikely it is that a major studio would grow the balls to cast Campbell in this franchise ready part...I personally would love to see it. Also, while on the subject of Campbell...I love what Sam Raimi has done with the "Spiderman" movies and can't wait for Part 3, but after he finishes with that one I sure I hope he takes a superhero break and gives us the sequel we're really clamoring for..."Evil Dead 4"!!!!
Joel Schumacher is the director in which you speak, but come on Clooney was not a good Batman. He was an okay Bruce Wayne, but looked awful as the bat. Michael Keaton and Christian Bale were/are great Batmans. Val Kilmer, while not great, wasn't terrible, but I hated Clooney as Batman. Just my opinion though. I still think Clooney wouldn't make a good Nick Fury. BRUCE CAMPBELL all the way!!
You can't put the blame of Batman & Robin on Clooney. That was an ill-fated production to begin with. The designs were terrible, the script was poor. Joel Schumacher has openly said that he takes all responsibility for what happened. I think Clooney has come far enough in his career that he could handle being Nick Fury.
What about Sean Penn? Before everyone jumps on me for the suggestion, here is my rationale. He is gritty, has the weathered look, already is a chain-smoker, and he is perhaps the best actor out there.
Well, for the conventional/classic Fury, I'd definitely think that Bruce Willis could pull it off. Or, hell, Kurt Russell, who basically played Nick Fury as Snake Plissken, eyepatch and all.
For the Ultimates version of Fury, well, it's already a given that it would have to be Samuel L. Jackson. For serious.