A message to SJWs

Jackie Brown is a good example of a “strong female character” and she’s black which should make you even more happy. And one of the reasons she’s strong is she’s well written and doesn’t have to announce to the camera that she’s female. Her actions and her interactions with the characters say everything we need to know about her.


I agree completely with your post, but I would be willing to bet that there is at least one SJW out there that would find a way to criticize this film.


Yeah the N-word is used a couple of times but I thought by SJW logic it was OK for black people to use the N word but not the ignorant white people???? Do I have that right?


Have you visited the Pulp Fiction page recently and read the thread devoted entirely to Tarantino's character using that word in that film?


Yeah I actually responded to the person who was bitching and moaning, that person is a hypocrite and a racist.


You people will never understand that you are far more annoying than those SJWs. Who goes out of their way to bitch and moan about what they THINK somebody else would bitch and moan about? Just ridiculous


Not bitching and moaning, just pointing out their hypocrisy, it's amusing to me. Also if you'd just STFU and stop your "bitching and moaning" then our alleged "bitching and moaning" would go away.


And actually I wasn't bitching and moaning, I was praising Pam Grier's character, you aren't very smart are you? Furthermore I was praising a strong black female character, the fact that you have an issue with that shows that you are a racist and a sexist. (at least by your own logic).


I am not bitching and moaning about anything. My point is that you cannot please everyone, even if you make a film that checks off every single diversity box that SJWs want to see. You however, are bitching and moaning about people that bitch and moan.


He's got some race issues obviously, most SJW's do and it's really sad and pathetic. They are a bunch of spoiled brats they think every single film has to check off the boxes that they like and pander to them and not anyone else, the truth is they aren't that special or important. Very pathetic individual he is, I've seen him on other forums.

And Tarantino's character in Pulp Fiction isn't supposed to be someone of high moral character, that's why he said it. It's just like how people of not high moral character in A Time To Kill said it, the film wasn't saying that it's OK to say that, we weren't supposed to agree with the people saying it. Really stupid.


you are all on the same side and bitching and moaning about a non existant post you invented , and then arguing between yourselves about it.


Wait a minute. Are you bitching and moaning about those on the same side who are bitching and moaning about a non existant post they invented , and then arguing between themselves about it?


well , yeah , i thought i was just spectating ,popcorn style,
but the aggression spewing forth is rather frustrating , mediated somewhat in that its friendly fire between 2 anti-sjws
but yeah , I'm Bitching and Moaning :)


And I’m just kidding. 😄


wait a minute. Are you kidding about someone bitching and moaning about those on the same side who are bitching and moaning about a non existant post they invented , and then arguing between themselves about it?


That’s the spirit!


The problem is, SJW doesn’t just “bitch and moan.” It tries to control what you see and hear. It tries to manipulate and cancel. And many times, it succeeds. If you don’t say something about it, it consumes more and more


Why do you think you get to bitch and moan about people bitching and moaning about people bitching and moaning? Do you really want to go down this rabbit hole?


The 1st Amendment comes to mind. Shouldn't you be off taking down the Cobra Kai dojo Miyagido? Tell Senseis Lawrence and Kreese we said hello.


A man should know I was replying to BurningSun, just to clear any potential confusion. I found it a bit hypocritical they were complaining about people complaining about people complaining lol

But I will stop by the dojo and say hi! I need to recruit someone to paint my fence actually


Just know that I did not mean any offense to you. I love The Karate Kid and anytime I can make a reference to it, I will. Also...thank you for the GoT reference when you replied!


All good sir


You should try going to a bar in a really rough neighborhood where most of the people are black and use the N word and make your argument there.


Yes. Please use that word as often as you can. (kidding).

I agree with you on use of N word


at least one SJW out there that would find a way to criticize this film.
I think you are missing the OPs point.

He is saying a good example of a “strong female character” , so we'll let this film slide and carry on bitching at all the other black people in cinema , like that kid in "The Force Awakens"

Its not the SJWs who will "find a way" its the alt-right militant anti-sjw manbabies who constantly rail against perceived "agenda" when a non white or a woman comes on the screen in a role that could've been taken by a nice white aryan boy.

(despite a resounding lack of sjw posts saying "more diversity required!" )


Wow everything you said is 100% wrong, that’s kind of impressive.

No one is threatened with “non-white” actors or “women”, there have been plenty of non-white and strong female characters in cinema for decades. What we are sick of is Hollywood writing female characters are utterly flawless which makes them weak and boring characters. Not to mention these characters are written so that the screenwriters feel virtuous and good about themselves. Then when we point out the bad writing the excuse is “oh you just hate strong female characters” or “you’re threatened by diversity” or some shit. It’s dishonest to say the least.


and yet no one ever moaned about the default white male hero character being "utterly flawless" in decades past


Which characters are you referring to? The only one I can think of is Legolas from LOTR and The Hobbit and yes I had a problem with him being so perfect

Also if you are thinking of citing Harry Potter then yes if the first 3 films were the only ones in the series you’d have a point, but in books 4-7 he goes through a ton of challenges, failures and setbacks so no Harry Potter was not overpowered and flawless like Rey is.


I'm talking about prettyy much every leading man from days of Clark Gable to present .

You dont see threads saying
"Oh he's a mary sue" (or whatever the mal equivalent is)
"That little guy could never beat up those two big guys"
"He would never be able to do that without training" ( a star wrs fave)

look at Indiana jones ffs . The mild mannered archalogist with all the outdoor survival / fighting skills of the special forces


Pretty much every male character? I’d love to see you try to prove that.

Take Clark Gable in It happened one night. He started out as a sleaze bag but later changed into a decent person. He had to undergo a character arc and it wasnt always certain he was going to end up with Ellie. She didn’t fall for him immediately , he had to work to earn her affection. Heck she decided to marry someone else towards the end of the film. He went through struggles and setbacks.

And ummmm Indiana Jones is far from a perfect character. He’s not always right, sometimes he does the wrong thing like taking a woman hostage, sometimes he doesn’t succeed like at the beginning of Raiders, heck he got tortured and drugged in Temple of doom. It wasn’t always clear that he was going to succeed and he had actual struggles and obstacles to overcome. False equivalence on your part.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l9rmAV2lq7U&pp=ygUWVGVtcGxlIG9mIGRvb20gdG9ydHVyZQ%3D%3D. Yeah this scene shows the complete opposite of a Mary sue


So when you said
What we are sick of is Hollywood writing female characters are utterly flawless which makes them weak and boring characters

Which ones were you talking about?


- Rey
- Rose from TLJ
- Vice Admiral Gender Studies from TLJ
- Nomi from No Time To Die
- Captain Marvel
- More than likely Phoebe Waller Bridge from the new Indiana Jones
- Whoever the main character in Terminator Dark Fate was (don't even remember her name and I don't care)


James Bond comes to my mind, but I think he didn't become a superhuman until Roger Moore stepped in. But he was so cool to watch. One superhuman from time to time isn't too much. But now a perfect female warrior has become a tired cliche. I didn't have any problems with strong female characters in the 80's (Ripley in Aliens, Marion in Raiders of the lost ark) or 90's (Sarah Connor in T2 or Nikita in La Femme Nikita).


off topic:
I wonder if the absurdly costumed superhero will ever become a tired cliche . god I hope so.


Naw James Bond still had to work to complete his mission. He may have been bordering on the line of a Mary Sue in Moonraker but that's really as close as he got. By the time John Glen stepped in he put Bond in some really perilous situations that Bond had to rely on his surroundings and his wits to get out of.


That's their only talent--inventing reasons to be offended on behalf of people they unconsciously think are inferior and incapable of defending themselves.


Cool, I tend to agree.

Very good movie, good characters and story.


It is only a matter of time before they remake Zulu with black people playing the Brits and white people playing the Zulus. Bonus woke points if they make them all women.


Wepublicans would be calling this film "woke" had it been released today.
