MovieChat Forums > The Full Monty (1997) Discussion > Do Americans like this film????

Do Americans like this film????

I love this film, but as most Brits know that Americans have a very different sense of humour (not prejudice in anyway my Aunty is American).

Just this film is made up of very British humour and was just curious to see if Americans enjoyed it as much as us Brits?


I was born and raised in Texas and I have ALWAYS loved British humor. My husband and I wouldn't miss Benny Hill back in the 80s. Very quick and silly and fun.


It did relatively well in U.S. theaters when it came out, plus it often makes the rounds on U.S. TV... I would say that Americans generally like this film (I know I do).

And even though it is set in England, the themes of the film can be related-to by other non-English people in general and many Americans in particular. It's not strictly "about" England and English people.


I am watching it on TV right now. I love this movie, I wish I could find more movies like this I really love English movies I think the characters are more interesting and quirky then American movies, where eccentricity is more cartoonish and less believable.


I loved it, but I'm an unrepentant Anglophile. I loved the dialects, the slang, the cultural rifts; that the characterizations are terrific and the plot great certainly doesn't hurt.


Sorry, I meant "cultural riffs", not "rifts."


Yes, I enjoyed it..I thought it was funny & poignant :)



This is one "Yank" who loves this film. I've always loved British humor and have watched "Britcoms" for many years.


Actually, I know lots of Americans who love British humor. This is one of my favorite films. I not only think it's really funny, but it's so life affirming, and such a wonderful celebration of masculinity in all its forms.


I'm American and I LMAO at this movie, as does everyone else I know (even those who claim not to like British humor/humour).


It's a great movie!


I'm from the US and this movie is propably in my top 5.

Last movie I watched:The 'burbs
"I don't question your existence."~God


Wow. Just an observation, but this thread is almost 4 years old. But it is hard to believe that this film is even older. I am American and this is one of my favorite movies.


The US viewers must have liked it as it did well at the US box office.

Its that man again!!


I'm American and it's one of my favorite movies.


They obviously didn't like it as much as we did though- it made $46 million in america compared with $85 million in the UK.

