The funniest parts...

I have to say that one of the funniest parts in any movie I have ever seen is that part where the guy is auditioning and he's like...

"I'm going to do a scene from Raging Bull"

"You *beep* my wife?!"

"What? How could..."

"You *beep* my wife?"

And with the cut to Corky with his hands over his mouth!

Ahh...that was classic.

And I love that Sheila's bangs are always in the same style no matter what her hairdo is. I mean, even in the posters for the previous community theatre projects her bangs are the same! Oh, I laughed and and laughed.

Also in one of the scenes from their play when Ron and Sheila are supposed to be talking or whispering and they're like "hub bub, huh bub."

And of course, not to mention, "We consider ourselves bi-coastal, if you consider the Mississippi River a coast."


Corky's speech about the olden days: "How dare you talk to me like that, you!"

Corky persuading Johnny Savage to do the show, and giving him his number. "Well, it's a private number, because... just don't give it out."

The entire 'Stool Boom' song kills me.

Stark's expressions while watching Corky in the show; hahaha, especially during 'A Penny For Your Thoughts' and the way he freaks out during intermission. "God, I really wish I was in the show!"

Mrs. Pearl, on Corky's "wife": "And you know, I haven't seen her in-- never seen her, actually."

Corky and Libby doing those awkward splits at the end of 'A Penny For Your Thoughts.'

"Everybody dance!"

'A Mighty Wind' is my favorite Guest movie, but this one grows on me more with each viewing.


'We love you corky!' when he wont come out of his flat, and also when libby mae then freaks out and storms off in that same scene.

'I wasnt the class clown but I sat next to him and I, I studied him...'

Midnight at the oasis.


I watched it again I love this flick. Kind of sad when you can recipt the dialogue almost along with the characters...throughout the movie.

"What does that mean Corky?"
"It means...we could be going to...Broad-waay."

I'm not trying to be just always works out that way.


My bubbe made a kishke, she made it big and fat...


Gwen Fabian-Blunt: you're the only one who can pull off that...whole...thing
Mayor: That whole thing, hmmm?


I'll mention a few that were not yet listed in this thread, though they're all good:

-The guy in the band who plays the drum AND the trumpet at the same time.

-When Dr. Pearl makes his first entrance in the play and his wife is about to applaud and realizes no one else is so she stops.

-When they realize "Guffman" arrived, one of them says they should start the show over again.


I didnt actually catch this until about the 3rd time i watched it, but when the four (levy,willard,ohara...) are at the chinese dinner at the very beginning of the scene their just sort of softly speaking amongst themselves then willard out of nowhere says "yknow in china theyll just kill a monkey on the table, split its head open, and eat the brains right out of it" and the following uncomfortable pause. All of it had me literally rolling on the floor and rewinding it over and over


I always watch for the guy playing the trumpet and drum at the same time. He's pretty good actually.

Luna Lovegood "I think I'll just go have some pudding."


The scene with David Cross as the UFO expert is not only the funniest scene in this movie but in all of movies no scene has ever been funnier.

Also Parker Posey talking about working at the DQ, and THe Backdraft musical conversation... actually the entire movie is pretty much amazing.


The funniest part in this hilarious movie is in the middle of the first song(the square dance song) everybody is moving around and Corky St Clair(Guest) turns to the audience and in his distinct voice says softly "everybody dance" I rolled on the floor laughing after that

Another great part is Dr Pearls(Levy) bowling scene where he acts so fluid and drains it in the gutter two feet down


OMG... I'm laughing out loud thinking of Dr Pearl bowling.

The funniest parts of Guest's films are the tiny things... like in Best In Show when Sherri Ann runs after the stick that Christy throws for Butch.

...a signature to be named later.



Midnight at the oasis made me cry with laughter the first 10 times i watched it.


I can't belive no one has mentioned when Corky blows into Dr Pearls ear:

'I can are blowing into my ear'

'See, you jumped to a conclusion. The first thing was not that I was blowing in your ear, but ba-haa-maian, or arubian, the virgin isles..'

Libby: 'Dr Pearl will realise, like Ron, Sheila and I have realised, that Corky has a vision.'

AND When Corky is playing the bongo drum while the others are dancing. His facial expression is priceless.


I loved Bob Balaban in this, thought his character was the perfect foil to Corky. He's so level headed and realistic about the show and rehearsals while Corky is off chasing his insane vision. Balaban's little looks of outrage and his eventual confrontation with Guest were great!


Captain Murphy: Way to go Sparks, you broke the monitor and you're dead. Happy?


Fred Willard's whole speech about how he had to get a penile reduction.

Cats and dogs living together...mass hysteria!


....cuz he didn't kill anybody; he just....ruined some property.

Oh sure, there was a furry o' blabies being born, I suppose....


Corky wearing a German military outfit during the play's portion of the American soldier leaving for war . . .

Corky wearing his jeans backwards especailly in the Bulging River deleated scene . . . .



"I hate you and I hate your assface!" I say that to everybody these days.

And let's not forget Ron and Sheila's audition, completet with horrible rendition of Midnight At The Oasis. I saw that scene on a comedy special on TV and it was enough for me to see the entire film.

I also laugh at Corky's sense of fashion, say, for example, the outfit he wears on the front cover.


For me the fact that Libby quit her job at the Dairy Queen to be in a show that will only be put on once is really funny.


I don't remember the exact quotes-

Mrs Pearl. "we don't hang out with artistic types, we have our chess club and
hang out with other people with babies"

Ron- "sheila hasn't cried this much since our wedding day"

while Alan pearl is done with his horrible audition how Corky looks at Lloyd and says "wow he's good!"

Ron after they moved to California "we consider ourselves bi-costal, because of the mississippi river"


All of these are making me want to watch it again. Truly one of the all-time great comedies, and certainly in my top 5. Surprised to see this board isn't more active. *sigh*

Anyway, a few that haven't been mentioned yet:

"California will be a sight for THESE weary eyes!"

"It was the smell of salt VOH-TEH!"

"More wampum to buy pelts."

"...and chaps."

And I gotta agree that Dr. Pearl's and the Raging Bull auditions are some of the funniest things I've ever seen.


All the quotes everyone's mentioned are hilarious, I was laughing so much just reading them!

Another part that makes me laugh is when they're convincing Corky to come back to direct the play where they mention how he made fire in Backdraft and one of them says "I can still feel the heat!" I love it.


How Ron and Sheila are travel agents but they've never been out of Blaine.

And that painting of Blaine and the bear makes me laugh.


All of the songs are really funny, but the song about Blaine being the "stool capital" of the world is just hysterical. I love the lines they sing about making the stools - "some for keeping, some for selling" as if all the townsfolk were working in the stool factory making a few for themselves! And then the line "hock your jewels - use the money for stools!" Ha!


Being a percussionist, I like that the band from this small town doesn't hit one wrong note the entire time they play. Plus, their ending of the last song before the play starts is priceless; the guy playing and holding the trumpet with his left hand and hitting the one tympani with his right hand (although what we hear are actually two different tuned tympani's). Very cool....... Stool, stools....


The Chinese restaurant scene with him talking about his surgery and her commenting that he wanted her to get a vagina enlargment.


I can't believe noone has mentioned the part yet when the group goes to visit Corky at his apartment. When they walk away, Libby Mae goes "He wants to be alone ok? JESUS CHRIST! Crazy People!" or something like's all in the way she says "Jesus Christ" that is classic.

Oh, and the part with the city councilman who wants to put the snipers on the roof...comedic gold.
