The funniest parts...

I have to say that one of the funniest parts in any movie I have ever seen is that part where the guy is auditioning and he's like...

"I'm going to do a scene from Raging Bull"

"You *beep* my wife?!"

"What? How could..."

"You *beep* my wife?"

And with the cut to Corky with his hands over his mouth!

Ahh...that was classic.

And I love that Sheila's bangs are always in the same style no matter what her hairdo is. I mean, even in the posters for the previous community theatre projects her bangs are the same! Oh, I laughed and and laughed.

Also in one of the scenes from their play when Ron and Sheila are supposed to be talking or whispering and they're like "hub bub, huh bub."

And of course, not to mention, "We consider ourselves bi-coastal, if you consider the Mississippi River a coast."


i really like when the scientist is saying...

"here's what i found, the circumferance and the diameter change by a few inches..and yet the radius remains the same." hahaha

and when corky goes...

"and ya know you kinda make that little face?"


for that lightning, OH its STRIKING again *snaps* yeah *snaps* lightning striking again and again and a-

when ron albertson says that some people find it "ironical" !! haha :)

"dybbyck schmibbyck" ... i said more ham.

" well i think the problem is, they've forgotten it...but they never learned it. "

"why are you whispering? i'm right here, ya know"...."oh now thats just too loud. why can't you just talk like a normal person?"

"Floating liiiiikee a va- *makes funny face* vapooooor on the soft summer airrrr----airrr."


So many funny scenes! One of the funniest is when Sheila is talking about talking-

Sheila: When you talk to them, you close your eyes. And when they talk to you, you look away-

Something like that!
Also when the math guy was talking about the ufo circle, and when Corky was talking about the cast, and mentioned he saw Dr. Pearl's wife and they started talking about pantyhose.


Am I the only one who likes the part when Corkey says "EVERYBODY DANCE!"? I almost die laughing every time I hear that.

In the deleted scenei also like "that rope broke". classic.


the everybody dance part is one of my favorite parts also.

" IT's like one of those Hitchcock movies where you're put into a plastic bag and thrown into the trunk of a car. You find people." i can't remember that whole scene, but it's one of my favorite parts.

" Kids don't like eating lunch at school, but when they have a remains of the day lunch box, they're a whole lot happier."


Definitely not the only one. I also find that hilarious every time I see it.


Sheila: How did it get here?!
Corky: It must have FLEW!

Could be worse...could be raining!


When Stark screams "Corky" during the final applause

and then when he looks Corky up and down after congratulating him.

Oooh, I lost it.

___________________________________ know, that's just, like, um, you're opinion man.


Any part with Michael Hitchcock is hysterically funny. Especially the "CORKY!!!" at the end.
Catherine O'Hara still singing "STOO-" during rehearsal, I am not sure why, but it always cracks me up.
The still from Barefoot in the Park.
Corky in Covered Wagons- "Everybody Dance!"
Parkey Posey's DQ speech.
Parker Posey's deleted monologue. "Who's on top and who's on bottom?!?!"
Corky's dance.
"I hate you and I hate your ass face!"
Gwen Fabin-Blunt, "I can certainly understand how the Kennedys feel".

...and so many more.


OMG, this whole movie was hilarious. I just saw it for the first time yesterday and I think now it is probably in my top 5 favorite movies of all time-- that's never happened before!

I love the part where Libby Mae is singing "Teacher's Pet" then does the splits and falls over: " wooooooooo!"

Also, the monologue from her deleted scene: "Who's on top, and who's on bottom NOW???"

Dr. Pearl: "...but i sat next to the class clown, and I studied him."

Ron: "They come from MARS?"
Sheila (with huge puffy hair): "WHERE'S THAT??!"

haha oh gosh, I am laughing right now just thinking about this movie.

"But I've already done Superman." (hehe)
--Lois Lane





'cause you people are BASTARD PEOPLE!


the scenes at the end where Corky is anticipating his audition for the role of Henry Higgins, "the Remains of the Day" lunch box, "My Dinner w/ Andre" Action Figures.
the scene where he demands financial backing from the town

the way they keep trying to find out about his wife and he keeps putting them off


"i opened up the atlas and New York, its an island is really what it is."- Libby
"I'd like to, you know, meet some guys, some... Italian guys... and you know, watch TV and stuff."- same scene

"I want to see you hook in those thumbs. You know, its almost as if you're... squeezin' yer boobies out,"- Corky

"Mars, I've heard of Mars!" "Where's that?"-- Ron and Sheila during "Nothing Ever Happens on Mars"


- "Bastard people". "I'm gonna go home and bite my pillow!" Something to that effect.

- Allan bowling a gutterball.

- The "Assface" line.

- Corky's shop. The "Remains of the Day" lunchbox. And the "My Dinner with Andre" action figures.

- Raging Bull audition.

R.I.P. Arrested Development...
My IMDb page:


i like when the alien comes off of the spaceship and bumps his head whilst trying to exit.....


oh and eugene levy's crossed eyes when he doesn't wear glasses


I love it when Corky's in his apartment dancing!!! His backwards jeans are sooo funny! I also love the picture he draws of the guy. I'm not really sure why, but I love how he draws it, then has his glasses on all funny.

"I called Joyce and I told her to bring Joshie at half time cause I need to feed him cause I'm just busting!"

"I for one am very glad that Johnny Savage dropped out of the show, cause he came into my drug store and tried to steal my stamp machine, and that kid is no good." or something like that

I love how Corky walks during the whole penny for your thoughts scene with his arms behind him!

"The circumference changes, yet the radius stays the same. Which brings me back to the number 5. There are 5 letters in the word Blaine. Mix it up, mix it around, eventually you'll get the word Nebali, the name of a planet way, way, way far away."

"I love beans! Big fat hot juicy beans! Don't get me started on beans, or I'll be jabberin' away til the sun comes up!"

"Everybody dance!"

"The entire budget for the entire year is $15,000, and that includes swimming." "Well there's no swimming in my play!"

The whole scene with Corky in the pink bathtub with the Italian music blasting next to him! "Corky we love you! We want you to live!"

I love how when the train during the play is going backwards, the rest of the cast backs up as well by scooting along with the buildings.


Michael Buble: "Let me go Home!"
Me: "Don't worry Michael; I'll take you home!!! "


for me it was where the guy got hysterical and yelled out "Corky!!!" like Corky was one of the Beatles or something.
