The funniest parts...

I have to say that one of the funniest parts in any movie I have ever seen is that part where the guy is auditioning and he's like...

"I'm going to do a scene from Raging Bull"

"You *beep* my wife?!"

"What? How could..."

"You *beep* my wife?"

And with the cut to Corky with his hands over his mouth!

Ahh...that was classic.

And I love that Sheila's bangs are always in the same style no matter what her hairdo is. I mean, even in the posters for the previous community theatre projects her bangs are the same! Oh, I laughed and and laughed.

Also in one of the scenes from their play when Ron and Sheila are supposed to be talking or whispering and they're like "hub bub, huh bub."

And of course, not to mention, "We consider ourselves bi-coastal, if you consider the Mississippi River a coast."


As many times as I've seen this movie I just discovered this great line from Corky. "IT'S LIKE, YOU KNOW, IT'S LIKE A HITCHCOCK MOVIE, WHERE, YOU KNOW, YOU'RE THROWN INTO A RUBBER BAG...AND PUT IN THE TRUNK OF A CAR. YOU FIND PEOPLE."

Luna Lovegood "I think I'll just go have some pudding."


I really have trouble picking one line or scene, because there's just SO many, but I'll just go with one that I didn't really notice until recently. It's when Mrs Pearl is being interviewed during intermission, and explains the play's effect on her as a new mom:

but i think his dramatical work is so moving that, um... well, i mean, i called joyce and i said, "joyce, bring joshie 'cause i gotta feed him halftime 'cause i'm just bustin.




Corky working out in his apartment to self choreographed dance routine had me in tears!


The thing I noticed after my 18th viewing was while David Cross explains that the crop circle has the same radius but a different circumference and diameter. They show him measuring and the measuring tape he is using isn't long enough. It's long enough for the radius but not the dia. or circum. That's why those measurements change.

What a film


"Bastard people". "I'm gonna go home and bite my pillow!" Gets my vote!


I just noticed something I've missed during other viewings of the movie when Ron is backstage with Sheila during the Penny for your thoughts song Ron wants Sheila to curl and fluff his hair then in the next scene they're in he's wearing a hat and no one was ever going to see his hair anyway.

Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans.


"He shops at Wal Mart." (Councilman Stark on music teacher Lloyd Miller.)


There are so many. I know it's been mentioned before, but the audition scene with the guy doing the scene from Raging Bull made me laugh so hard I thought I had cracked a rib!
