5.7 What the Hell?

Granted, I saw this movie when I was 13 in 1996, but even if I saw it today I'd rate it at least a 7 just for the laugh out loud moments alone. Maybe it doesn't stand the test of time or maybe it's the fact Eddie Murphy hasn't put a out a movie in over a decade in which he played a decent lead role.

Now, I will admit The Klumps movie was god awful, but this one had me in stitches the first time I saw it. Murphy struck gold with the Klump family here, even though the humor was crude at least it was more original in 1996 than when he played Norbit's wife. I would give Norbit a 5 or less.

I guess many Americans are so obese that they just want to take it out on this film to make them selves feel better. Plus, this movie did seem to start the trend of remaking every old piece of cinema Hollywood had on its shelf, although I’m sure that’s been going on for decades.


Let me guess... Fat people, professors, and young chicks do not like it, that's why "5.7", thinking it's
1) politically incorrect,
2) sexist,
3) very rude, and (drumroll)
4) moronic.

But let them enjoy their highly intellectual material. To me it's one of those rare examples when the "remake" is better than the original (and VERY different from it).

Nu chto gliadite? Ne poluchali davno?


This is one of my favorite comedies way better than all those Seth Rogen movies

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi



Eddie Murphy is brilliant in this. It's deserving of way more than the 5.5 it's on now


Racism. If a white actor did what Eddie did in this movie he would have swept the Oscars and had a street named after him


Umm..... no. White actors have done what Eddie did, think about Peter Sellers in Dr Strangelove, Jake Gyllenhaal in Enemy, Ed Norton in Leaves of Grass. No Oscars there...

Plus, do you really think a film with this much farting, juvenile humour and ridiculous, scatological humour would ever win an oscar?


not very intelligent I see


Um.... How? Look at Tony Randall in "7 faces of Dr Lao" where he played 7 vastly different characters, he was white and didn't win an oscar. How am I not intelligent for proving how wrong you are?


As someone who's battled with my weight all my life I find this movie hilarious so don't pin the blame on us, I know other fellow "fatties" who love this movie too, in fact most people I know love it. It's film snobs and people with no sense of humor voting it down.

God, Gays and Guns the Conservative dance continues.


I was like 9 when I saw this and thought it was funny and heart warming and just saw it again this year and fell in love with it all over again. It definitely deserves at least a 7!

They say hunger is the best spice - Spike


Down to a 5.5 now. That's just absurd. The first time I watched it, I went in thinking I was going to hate it. I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed it. There are some very funny - and some very poignant - scenes in Nutty Professor. It's not Hamlet, but it's not supposed to be. It's just a good, funny comedy. I give 7/10, at least.


This movie is such a classic! I've watched it with my family about a dozen times and every one of them I laugh just as much :)
Horribly underrated!


Used to think it was great when I was a kid. This movie is terrible.


atleast 7..


I know, what the heck? this was one of the funniest movies of the 90's and we used to watch it all the time. it made big BO back then not surprisingly, but thenn I come here and ...5.6??? I think a lot of fat people must have horded together and downrated is all I can think of. easily of the eddie murphys best movies. the sequel didn't measure up as usual however.
