5.7 What the Hell?

Granted, I saw this movie when I was 13 in 1996, but even if I saw it today I'd rate it at least a 7 just for the laugh out loud moments alone. Maybe it doesn't stand the test of time or maybe it's the fact Eddie Murphy hasn't put a out a movie in over a decade in which he played a decent lead role.

Now, I will admit The Klumps movie was god awful, but this one had me in stitches the first time I saw it. Murphy struck gold with the Klump family here, even though the humor was crude at least it was more original in 1996 than when he played Norbit's wife. I would give Norbit a 5 or less.

I guess many Americans are so obese that they just want to take it out on this film to make them selves feel better. Plus, this movie did seem to start the trend of remaking every old piece of cinema Hollywood had on its shelf, although I’m sure that’s been going on for decades.


I agree. Me and my family used to sit down and watch this movie constantly. Its defintely a 7.



this movie deserves more than a seven. its hilarious. unlike anything eddie murphy does now.


The movie deserves 8. Hella funny


i'll field this one...

The Devil's Rejects gained a rating of 6.9 because the people who voted for it are those who would be bothered to go watch it. It had a small releasing project so it was only aimed at its target audience.

The nutty professor was released to a worldwide audience, and as a result they had a much larger target audience to tackle. It just so happens that alotta people didn't find this as their form of humour. I found it entertaining.

This is why the film would seem low in rating compared to other films. Its all about the audience. And who observed it.


I agree, Nutty Professor is a genuinely funny movie and should be rated higher. I see movies on this site that aren't even half as good as "Nutty Professor" getting higher ratings. A lot of people on this site seem to have horrible taste.



5.7 isn't that bad. I've seen good movies that have gotten much worse. For example, White Chicks: It's not genius, but it's not so bad, and it's funny. I even enjoyed Norbit. I hate to say it, but is it because a lot of voters here are simply overweight?

In contrast, movies like Gran Torino (2008), despite the not so complex plot and the terrible acting, has a rating of 8.4. I gave it a 5.

I don't always trust imdb ratings, but hey, they sometimes get it right: Disaster movie is at 1.5 and Meet the Spartans is at 2.5. They probably should get lower.

I give Nutty Professor a 6.


