5.7 What the Hell?

Granted, I saw this movie when I was 13 in 1996, but even if I saw it today I'd rate it at least a 7 just for the laugh out loud moments alone. Maybe it doesn't stand the test of time or maybe it's the fact Eddie Murphy hasn't put a out a movie in over a decade in which he played a decent lead role.

Now, I will admit The Klumps movie was god awful, but this one had me in stitches the first time I saw it. Murphy struck gold with the Klump family here, even though the humor was crude at least it was more original in 1996 than when he played Norbit's wife. I would give Norbit a 5 or less.

I guess many Americans are so obese that they just want to take it out on this film to make them selves feel better. Plus, this movie did seem to start the trend of remaking every old piece of cinema Hollywood had on its shelf, although I’m sure that’s been going on for decades.


Yeah you are right lots of fatsos giving this 1 and getting offended



I was pissed at the rating too. So I gave it a 10 just to try to even it out a bit. Anybody who doesn't rate this movie at least a 7 has no sense of humor.

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §


I don't care what anyone says, this is the funniest movie ever made. Murphy got robbed of an Oscar for sure. I've seen it so many times and I still have to go back to the dinner scene and do it over because I LOL so hard and miss all those great lines! Classic!!!


Yeah, Eddie Murphy's creation, the Klumps, is absolutely brilliant. He's one of the most talented comedians of all time. He played all those characters perfectly.

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §



Yeah I was surprised to see the low rating. I thought this was funny ass film. this film deserve a 10 just for Reggie Warrington alone LOL



I also was wondering why it got such a low rating... To be honest I thought at first that maybe it was due to a lot of racists voting low. However, I think you guys are right-- maybe it's racists AND fat people who can't take fat jokes!

Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!



I think the rating's fair. I hardly laughed during this. Everyone says the dinner scenes are the funniest but they were just tired fart jokes. I give it 4.


I thought this was a funny movie and I give it a 8/10, it's definitely an underrated movie on IMDB and I thought this was Eddie Murphy's last great movie, I really liked him playing the Klump's and the scene where he gets back at Reggie is one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a movie.


Hysterical movie...good message. At least a 7...I couldn't believe when I saw the low rating...I think it's just the terrible trend on IMDb where movies with all black casts or mostly black casts always get rated low...also I agree that a bunch of sad fatties probably voted low. Poor sad fatties ;)

"Live every week like it's Shark Week."


Now down to 5.5, peeps got no sense of humor.
Losing faith in humanity.

I can't think of something that will make you remember my quote.


Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell obviously voted several thousand times apiece.



