MovieChat Forums > Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996) Discussion > Is the concept of Salem a little creepy?

Is the concept of Salem a little creepy?

I mean he's the a grown man in the body of a cat who spends his time constantly hanging around with nubile teenage girls walking around in their underwear (and less!)and sleeping on/in their beds with them. One time he even ends up in the bathtub with a naked Morgan.


Seriously I never even thought about it until now but yes it is.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."


He's essentially a family member, as Hilda and Zelda are his caretakers. So he's basically Sabrina's uncle, except he's a cat. Salem never made any kind of advances on Sabrina or behaved inappropriately towards her (at least sexually anyway). The only time he does something like this - when he's in Gordy's body - it's portrayed as creepy as it should be, and Sabrina tries to put a stop to it.

Just wondering, would you find Salem creepy if he were a female character? Or is it just the same double standards that all middle aged men have to be perverts or pedophiles?


Oh calm down. It would always be creepy if an animal was really a person but the owner didn't know about it. It's also not a double standard that men are more perverted than women.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Well, it's not like he can do anything inappropriate to a human anyway as long as he's a cat.
So I don't find it creepy at all.


I don’t find so. I found his character comedic, so I never thought to look so much into him


No he's just a funny, sarcastic cat. Salem the character is poking fun of the idea that cats are evil geniuses bent on world domination.
