Marie's insults to Debra

How many can you remember? I know a few, here's what I can remember:

"Cookies on a log. Well, that's almost baking."

"Frosting from a can, so much better than homemade."

(Debra says the kids are watching TV)
"I remember a time where you actually had to be with the kids."

"There's a cobweb forming under the TV."

"Oh, popcorn for dinner. What fun!"

"Aw, you're giving sewing another try!"

(Debra tells Marie that Ray didn't notice her new haircut)
"Maybe he was just being polite."

I know there's plenty more.


The whole vacuum cleaner episode is full of Marie-insults. Mean but funny.

She tells Debra that when the saleswoman told her that she had a a great cleaning product, Marie tells Debra, “ I immediately thought of you”.

Later Debra asks Marie if she doesn’t think she keeps a clean house, Marie asks if it’s a trick question.


Marie always put me off watching the show more often. I know she is meant to be the intrusive mother in law but she is just too lifelike!


True to life. Marie reminded me so much of my own mom. And my mom thought Marie was hilarious. She just did not recognize herself in the character.

It’s been said that Debra’s house was not too clean because she had three little kids. My mom had three of us and the house was always as clean as Marie’s. Mom was a bit of a cleaning fanatic.

The only thing different is that she was not a nosy, buttinsky type when it came to being a mother-in-law.


She reminded me of my mother and even more of my grandmother. Very controlling and judgemental. My mother and grandmother were also cleaning fanatics.
