Brad Pitt Can't Act

I just watched 12 M. for the first time, all the way through. Is the reason that IMDB describes it as a black comedy because Pitt's performance is so clownish and exaggerated? Was he not directed!? I don't think he was at this undeserved exalted place in pop. culture at the time, so why didn't they fire him after the first few dailies? He's just awful and distracting in every scene.
I was never a Brad Pitt hater, but his performance in Seven was bad, too. I also saw him in an earlier obscure flick and he was terrible there as well. 12 M would have been a much better movie, and possibly a cult classic, without him in that key role. Brad must've been a pool boy for some influential producer back in the day. He surely can't act.


get a clue.


I thought that he acted very well in this movie.


He did act very well in this movie, the OP is obviously an idiot or biased in one way or another. He thinks there is only 1 way to play a crazy person and according to him it is how Jack acted in Cuckoos Nest. That is like saying there is only one way to play a drug addict, terroist, or just your average Joe. Was Pitts acting distracting? No. Did Pitts performance take away from the film? No. I think he finally gave up on his cause but it had to be said.


The OP has a right to say what he wants however as do I and the OP he's a...... moron Brad is an Amazing actor bar none. He was awesome in 12M and almost every movie he was in.

"From hence fourth we are to be known as team SuperAwesomeCoolDynomiteWolfSquadron"


I think he can act very well, and then I think sometimes he doesn't act very well--same goes with Nicole Kidman. When she's great, she's Oscar-worthy, othertimes, she's awful.

I do think Brad can act: Fight Club, Ocean's Twelve, Mr. & Mrs. Smith (I heard comedic roles are even harder than dramatic ones), The Assination of Jesse James.

There are some other movies where I was not impressed: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I wasn't very impressed with the film itself, and for Cate Blanchett--who I usually love). The reason I wasn't impressed with Brad is that it just seemed like he opened his eyes wide--that was it.

I hate to agree with the OP, but Brad in this movie....I just couldn't get him. I thought he was annoying (and yes, I understand he was meant to be annoying) but I also thought that moving your hands a lot, talking really loud, and opening your eyes widely doesn't make a great performance.


I don't rate Brad Pitt really because I've not seen him in many films.
But in 12 Monkeys he was fantastic!!!!!

He definitely CAN act.


I think this thread's gone on way too long folks, but personally I think his performance was appropriate for this movie. If he'd been the main character or had a ton of screen time, it'd have become boring, but for a bit player who was the leader of a troupe of animal rights activists it was just right because it had to stand out to further the impression that he and his troupe were the bad guys.

Now, when you're the main character, and you're a nut, it's far more appropriate to be "understated".

There are many examples, like DeNiro's Taxi Driver, who has one big explosion, or even better maybe is Depp's "The Secret Window", which I just saw last week.

There, he "seemed" normal but all through the movie exhibited these exaggerated "jaw stretches" whenever he got tense... well, it was a lot more than tense, as it turned out.

Links to "Twelve Monkeys" Pages


Well the OP has the right to his opinion ...... as do I and he is a moron. He might just be one of five people who doesnt think Brad Pitt is one of the best actors of his era.

"That wasn't flying, that was........falling with style"


He's quite good in this. Fight Club and Benjamin Button are very good.

As You Can See, I'm A Lot Happier- Joker 89


also in assassination of jesse ,interview with the vampire,kalifornia,twelve monkeys,seven.......the list goes on

"That wasn't flying, that was........falling with style"




I became a BP fan after seeing this movie...
And what about Jim Carey, Michael J Fox, Robin Williams? All people I like (except for Carey in his early movies perhaps) but also like BP people who have the same mimics, same moves and same expressions in almost every movie...



puh-leeze, rather than starting another, new BP topic...


Bump. We don't really need another new thread on this character...


"12 M should've been a much better movie, and possibly a cult classic...."

LOL yeah because it isn't one already you f_cking retard.

Why are stupid people watching smart film?


Trolled for 19 pages. OP = win.


I love this movie and I do think this is Brad Pitt's best role, but to say he is a great actor or "one of the best of this era" is astoundingly silly. The only reason I think Pitt's over-the-top portrayal worked in this movie is because of Terry Gilliam's unique oddball style. Brad Pitt has been in some amazing movies, but never did I think they were amazing because of his acting. For example, I love the movie Seven, but watch Pitt and Morgan Freeman's dialog on the street in the beginning of the movie, and you can clearly see the contrast between a passable actor and a great one.

Dyin' aint much of a livin', boy.
