MovieChat Forums > GoldenEye (1995) Discussion > What's the Best Brosnan Bond Movie?

What's the Best Brosnan Bond Movie?

I've never seen any of 'em with Pierce Brosnan so I don't know which one is the best and is really worth watching. So what do you guys think is the best Brosnan Bond movie?


"GoldenEye" rather easily is the best in my opinion. It is potentially my favorite Bond film of any of them. (though the jury's still out on that one) Though I personally do think "Tomorrow Never Dies" and "The World is Not Enough" are solid films as well. And while I don't think I could call it a good movie, I do have a soft spot for "Die Another Day" since it was the first Bond film I saw in the theater when I was ten years old. Perhaps if you're in a mood for a more out there/over-the-top adventure akin to "Diamonds are Forever" and "Moonraker" you could get some entertainment value out of it.


The World is Not Enough for me.


GoldenEye. Without a doubt. It has a zest and verve to it. A good post Cold War story and some of it set in Russia. Good characters as well. Plus, the villain is far more effective than Silvia from Skyfall.


GoldenEye. If rank Brosnan's Bonds in the order they came out. You could flip flop Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Is Not Enough but GoldenEye is easily the best with Die Another Day the worst.


Easily GoldenEye. It's also the most stereotypical "Bond" movie since who knows when - maybe back to early Connery. And I mean that in a good way.

Tomorrow Never Dies is fine, but it does seem to lack something. It's rather basic.

World Is Not Enough is okay for the most part. The weird thing are the Bond girls - Sophie Marceau is one of the most capable actresses to play a Bond girl and her character is pretty good. Denise Richards is terrible; distractingly terrible. To the point where the movie does suffer.

Die Another Day is awful. One of the worst of all of them.


Easily TWINE, though GE is a very close second. TND is also enjoyable, and it is great if you like action-packed Bond films, and DAD is good if you want something out of the ordinary.


Goldeneye by far..... with the rest getting steadily worse after that.

TND is ok, TWINE is basically plot-less and really struggles and DAD tries to hard to be something it is not.


This one is the best, but 'The World is Not Enough' would have had a legitimate shot if not for Denise Richards!


Very unfortunate casting. That plus a few other little issues definitely kept this from being one of the greatest Bond adventures. The plot is very realistic and in the wheel house of the novels.


GoldenEye or Die Another Day, probably GoldenEye. although... none of them hold up for me nowadays as i just recently (within the last 2-3 weeks) re-watched all of the Brosnan Bond movies and i could not even finish the 1997 and 1999 movies (3/10 MAX, i killed the 1997 movie 45minutes into it and the 1999 movie 1hr15min into it) and found the 1995 and 2002 Bond movies to be pretty average/thumbs down(5/10).

as for ALL Pierce Brosnan movies, i think his most memorable movies are...

1.The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) - 8.5-9/10
2.The Matador (2005) - 8/10
-.After the Sunset (2004)

for measure... there is only around 100 movies i gave a 'solid 8/10' or higher to out of the 1800+ total movies i have seen.

My IMDb Movie Lists etc =


Goldeneye by far. It had the right mix of everything. Humor, hot bond girls, good villain, funny lines, a dark stoyrline. and one of the best opening sequences.

TND is okay. The real problem here is that Carver is a weak villain. The media manipulation plot only seems more and more relevant.

TWINE could have been good if not for Denise Richards as a scientist and the Renard got shot in the head but lived plot.

Die Another Day is among the worst Bond films.


Goldeneye by a distance.


Not sure anyone asked about your re-watching experience or how you rate Pierce Brosnan movies.

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry."


Not sure anyone asked for your lip either, son.

Our conductor's insane, our cargo is pain. Freight Train!
