MovieChat Forums > GoldenEye (1995) Discussion > What's the Best Brosnan Bond Movie?

What's the Best Brosnan Bond Movie?

I've never seen any of 'em with Pierce Brosnan so I don't know which one is the best and is really worth watching. So what do you guys think is the best Brosnan Bond movie?


Watched GoldenEye for the first time yesterday. Or, I at least tried to watch it. I think I am in the minority when I say I can't stand Pierce Bronson as Bond. The opening where he dives into the plane as it's crashing and still manages to escape just ruined it for me. Way to over the top. But, I guess all Bond films are like that. Turned the move off around the scene with the Russian scientists in the lab when the stolen helicopters arrives. Sorry, I just think the movie sucked.


Goldeneye is the best but i enjoy the 4 films he did very much.
each one had a special something which made me love it.

Goldeneye well i love Xenia on how over the top she was and sexy at the same time. the best femme Fatale of all time especially because she is not the serious Brainny Femme Fatale a la Sharon Stone. she was sort of a parody of Catherine Tramel and thats what made her so cool.

Pierce had wonderful romantic chemistry with Izabella Scourpco one of the best ive seen in a Bond film of all time actually and i thought it was nice she was a contrast of Xenia beautiful butc much more down to earth, she wasnt your typical Bond girl who is always glamourous with high Heels.

Tomorrow never dies
starting with having my favorite Bond Villain Elliot Carver and his plan to create a war just for the ratings.
he was truly crazy and a man with an ambition which went way too far and ofcourse the whole escape scene was incredibly exciting and so was motocycle chase scene.

now even though sometimes i complain i liked how the Bond girl this time was more of a Bond Partner than a love interest for him and Michelle Yeo was the perfect actress for this Part.

The world is not Enough
i loved how they added a bigger part for M in this film without taking the Bond girl plot you know still keeping the tradition.
i also thought it was genious how they made Elektra the main Villain and first they made us belive she was a victim and a good girl who needed to be protected.

Pierce again had great chemistry with Sophie and id say this is the film where he shone the most especially when he realizes who Elektra really was and the scene where he killls her but latter feels guilty for doing so.

Die another day
is the most visually spectacular of his films and the most glamourous after Bond comes Back from the incidnet in North Corea.

i loved the ice castle as a setting and presentation party and ofcourse the invisible car that many hatted.
i could say Die another day is the most fun of the 4 films even if the plot is quite weak.



In my opinion: The World is not Enough. Why? Because of Denise Richards. Yeah yeah she's a terrible actress but I like her in spite of that.

GoldenEye because of Izabella Scorupco's exemplary Bond girl.

Tomorrow never dies for the epic action and explosions.

Die another day: despite all the crud it's still a bond film. And entirely watchable. Tho the sex scene is unwatchable. And cringeworthy.


Tho the sex scene is unwatchable. And cringeworthy.

I thought the sex scenes were pretty sexy, the Two with James Bond the one he had with Famke at the Sauna and the other one innthe Caribbean with Natalya.
Very nicley done and very classy in a more PG style the scene with Bond and Xenia reminded me a lot to the the sex scene in 300 Raise of an empire with Eva Green and Sullivan Stapleton but Pirece way hotter than sullivan.


I think Cyprus meant the sex scene in Die Another Day, which was pretty bad.

But yeah, the ones in Goldeneye are pretty well done; the one with Natalya is very subtle, and the one in the sauna is an excellent mix of sex, danger and comedy. I wouldn't be surprised if the scene you mention from 300 was inspired by Goldeneye, given there's some rather similar elements.


Thanks i now i read more carefully i got it.
Anyway i still think the ending scene with Halley was sexy and so was the subtle love scene with Rosamund Pike. Maybe the one in the beginning went a little overboard but i dont mind its pierce at his sexiest. Hehe.

I agree on your thoughts about the Sauna scene it was a great mixture of sex, danger and Comedy, i think Xenia is the funniest femme Fatale of all time and thats why i love her. For the first time i saw a femme fatale who is sexy but doesn't take her self that seriously and i found this refreshing


Personally, Tomorrow Never Dies is my fave, but also my first, so might have a bit of bias. GE and TWINE are both in my top 10, number 3 and 7 respectively, and DAD is down the bottom of the list - but still enjoyable.


Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies are solid 8/10s for me.


All four are garbage.

***What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?***


Mrs. Doubtfire ;)
