MovieChat Forums > Clueless (1995) Discussion > The film didn't age well

The film didn't age well

The social-ness, fashion, attitude and spoiled teens just left me with a sour taste albeit it's still watchable if only for Brittany Murphy. Her laughter is memorable.


Did so did so


this movie aged beautifully. it is very fun and enjoyable to watch


The one part where I think that the movie has aged really poorly is its perception of gay people. Murray insinuates that Christian must be gay simply because he's a snazzy dresser, likes to listen to Billie Holiday, and watches Tony Curtis movies. And nobody mind you, really calls Murray out on it. If anything, Christian was what they would call "metrosexual". There's also Cher saying point-blank that her PE/gym teacher Ms. Stoeger is a lesbian simply because does doesn't dress traditionally feminine or wears make-up.


idk acting metrosexual is pretty gay its pretty normal to assume that stuff even in todays sjw pc age, this is a high school environment people have not been properly brainwashed yet like when they go to college propaganda centers


I think his disinterest for Cher, who was throwing herself at him, and interest in Tony Curtis’ slave scenes was supposed to remove any doubt about Christian’s orientation.


I just watched Clueless again on CBS and I'll just say that it is admittedly a perfect time capsule of what the '90s were prototypically like. What I mean is that if you want to explain to somebody who wasn't there, I should likely show them this movie first and foremost. It's kind of like how I would show somebody the TV series Miami Vice if they wanted some semblance of how the look, feel, and sound of the '80s were defined. I noticed that in Clueless, Cher carries around a pager, which of course nobody uses anymore. It also came out during a time in which it was implied that cell phones was still a luxury item.


What If Clueless Were Made Today?

What if "Clueless" were made today? Let's find out! Our countdown includes changing up the outfits, Paul Rudd could still be Josh, taking selfies over polaroids, and more!


I love all the clothes. Especially Cher's outfits. I wish I could have her entire wardrobe....


It's a 26 year old movie. What do you expect it to do? It shows a time and a place 26 years ago. It is so strange that people think things are supposed to age well or not well. I don't get how people expect things to age and reflect today's society. It's not like they had a crystal ball or something.


I agree, but then people with really nothing to say wouldn’t have anything to bitch about.




idk i always liked this chick flick it reminded me of mean girls
