
I saw this film a few years ago and instantly became vegetarian (and still am 3 years on!)

I was just wondering how many others have converted to vegetarianism as the result of 'Babe'?


I've never understood vegetarians. I enjoy eating meat. Humans were meant to eat meat. If we weren't, we wouldn't have the teeth for eating both meat and plants.

Then there's those that're all "oh but the animals are living things! They're defenseless!"

Um. Plants are living, and most are LITERALLY defenseless. I'm not saying be all "Oh poor plants!" but the argument is retarded.

I eat plenty of vegetables, but I also eat meat. If you generally get sick from eating meat, then don't eat it (my friend is a vegetarian because he gets very sick eating it) but otherwise, what's the point in abandoning meat?

And god, vegans..that's extreme.


Veganism is by no means "extreme." To say such things just shows an intentional disinterest in learning more about it and finding out from sources other than those nutjobs at PETA about why a diet and lifestyle without animal products is not only healthy but beneficial to everyone.

The human body is not naturally equipped with the enzymes involved in digesting meat. That is why a vegetarian or vegan will become sick and lethargic when they eat meat, on purpose or accidentally. I was vegetarian for years and ate one sausage patty at my parents' on Christmas morning... I slept for three hours and was sick for days afterwards. It was not the food being improperly cooked that made me sick but the fact that my body was incapable of processing the food.

Not all vegans and vegetarians are that way because they're bleeding heart liberals who can't stand to eat something with a face or a family. The environmental impacts of feeding livestock, clearing away waste, transporting it to various processing facilities, depleting grasslands, etc... that is often a more pressing reason to become vegetarian. This planet is not ours to use as we please and leave to future generations no matter how we treat it today.

If you look at the amount of meat consumed these days, you can see a direct correlation to childhood obesity and diabetes. Meat and dairy products are full of hormones that make our bodies do strange and unusual things. I'm not saying they go hand in hand but one may play a role in the other. Sure, TVP shaped in the form of chicken and steak is "unnatural" but for the most part, the ingredients are not chemicals. Personally, I'd take tempeh or tofu over fake meat any day of the week (that stuff's too full of sodium for my liking most of the time).

There are many reasons, personal and political, to "abandon" meat. If you don't understand or refuse to grasp them, that's not a vegetarian's problem. Sure, it's possible to be unhealthy and eat a vegetable-based diet, but it's a step in a direction that, in the mean time, respects animals. I don't believe in God so I don't think anybody put animals on earth for us to eat. That argument doesn't fly with me. If you live in America in the 21st century, you are fortunate to be able to live a life where you don't have to hunt for food and you have a wealth of options and choices. You are free to eat what you want, but so am I, my husband, and all of our friends who have decided that meat is NOT what they want to put in their bodies.


We are equipped with both sets of teeth, we are meant to eat meat. I can eat meat just fine and end up staying up until 8 am the next day, it doesn't make me lethargic at all. If you don't eat something regularly like meat, it's sure to make your body a bit upset until you're used to it again (my body rejects breakfast because I normally don't have time to eat in the morning, and when I do eat in the morning, I feel incredibly sick, no matter what it is I end up eating).

People are obese not because of the meat, but due to the way the meat is prepared (Like McDonald's). You can buy a mcdonald's hamburger and have it be 1000 times less healthy than if you bought the ingredients and made a burger yourself, even if your burger ends up being a little larger, it can still become a healthier meal depending on how you prepare it, just like you can ruin a salad by drowning it in dressing.

Also, most of the people I know who are obese or borderline obese hardly eat meat or dairy. Unfotrunately, I'm a bit overweight. However, I hardly get the chance to eat meat, due to it being a bit on the expensive side. The most I get is a bit of ground beef every now and then (so hamburgers and meatballs). I'm a little lactose intolerant (I THINK I am anyway, since anytime I have milk, I get an upset stomach, and I wake up feeling nauseous if I have some the day before) so I hardly have milk products. My weight gain is because of soda. When I stop drinking it, and continue my normal eating habits (and er..lack of exercise...ashamed of it I know but I have no motivation), I drop the weight very quickly. However, drinking it since childhood has got me addicted to it, so it's difficult to stay off it.

Though as of late, it's made me incredibly ill to drink soda so I've been able to ween myself off it.

Regardless, meat does not equal fat.








I saw this film and I instantly wanted to eat bacon.

*beep* pig


This film is the main reason why I don't really eat pork. Anytime I see the meat in supermarkets I'm reminded of Babe's Mum.

"Some of their number had been lost and those who had survived were weary"


Wow, I can't believe I read all 16 pages of this discussion.

Saying meat eating is natural is a weird argument, it's called the Appeal to Nature and it's a fallacy ( ). A lot of animals eat meat, but animals aren't moral compasses for humans. Animals cannibalise, kill and rape each other. You think we should act like chimps, the ones that kill the babies of their new girlfriend that she had with another chimp? Like, why do we want to be like animals? Weird. What's "natural" is a completely useless argument. It's been proven you can get everything you need in your diet without meat, just let that argument die.

Even if our ancestors have eaten meat, which made sense because there wasn't much around in terms of a varied and healthy diet a hundred thousand years ago in the couple of hectares that you'd hunt in, we live now, and don't have to. It's like when people ask if I'd kill a cow on a desert island. Yes, I'd kill the *beep* out of a cow, but I'm not on a desert island, I'm in a nice city and I can go to the supermarket and buy everything I need. People getting sick from not eating meat is almost always because of an improperly planned diet, it's heartbreaking how often it happens.

But, it is silly to think you're perfect and you don't harm animals by not eating meat, or even by not eating dairy and eggs. Like, animals get chewed up by crop harvesters for my food and cotton harvesters for my t-shirts, I don’t really make any effort to try to make sure I buy toothpaste that wasn’t tested on animals, I use paper which would have annihilated animals and animal habitats in its production, you know. Plus every time I go to the fuel pump I’m supporting the Iraq war, when I pay taxes my money is going toward enforcing some laws I don’t agree with, I buy some tweezers from a chain supermarket and I’m supporting a big conglomerate that would have forced the closure of local family businesses and caused pain and sadness when it didn’t have to, I watch The Simpsons and my viewership goes toward Fox which funds warmongering Fox News and Bill O’Reilly’s paycheck, etc.

No one is really 100% consistent with their views and their actions, unless you live on a commune. But it doesn't mean it's a bad idea to not eat meat. What it does mean is that you can't judge anyone for eating meat. Or for anything, really. Before you point your finger make sure your hands are clean...

The main thing for me is, eating is really, really intimate, right? Like the only time I ever put anything (apart from breath) in my body is when I eat,it’s a really intimate thing to do. Plus, everything you eat becomes you, like my finger is a bit of broccoli and my eyelash is a bit of, I don’t know passionfruit or something (even though the body only renews itself every 7 years and I haven’t been off meat for that long, but you get what I mean). Absolutely every bit of us, probably including our consciousness (depending on whether it exists entirely in the physical brain blah blah blah) is made of what we’ve eaten, like all we’ve got is our bodies, these vehicles that are sort of strapped to our minds, they’re with us 24 hours a day, they’re everything we are. Anyway yeah, that’s why I think eating a bit of animal is a much bigger deal than wearing an animal or buying toothpaste that might have been tested on animals, like while almost everything I do causes pain or death or whatever in some way (farting depletes the ozone, right?), actually putting in my mouth pieces of something that’s been strapped down and killed, you know blood squirting over my tongue that I use to say things and to kiss with, and bits of veins and nerves swimming around my stomach as I walk around and actually becoming me and becoming part of my organs and my brain and the neurons that my thoughts travel on, it’s just a bit much, like a bit too intense, too close. Like a chicken used to command that leg with its brain to make it twitch and walk over to its babies and vomit up food for them. It’s too much for me, because I am a hypersensitive, overanalytical git who thinks too much, but it’s not too much for other people, and that’s okay, because my standards aren’t for anyone else, just like yours aren’t. That’s wound up being pretty much the main reason for my being a vegetarian, that other beings’ carcasses and deaths becoming a part of my body and thoughts creeps me out. Plus it's easy to do, and it keeps me away from McDonald's. That's it, really. Don't judge, no one judge, no one's perfect, that should be obvious.



Meat ftw!

Text is cheap.


fellow veggie here! Although i was raised vegetarian mostly. I went to eating meat but came back to vegetarianism after my dear old dog Red died this summer :( I couldn't be happier with my decision!

My name is Khan... and I am not a terrorist!!!


Holy crap, I always thought I must have been the only person to have turned vegetarian because of babe.

Age 5-10 (yeah, my parents allowed it after I made it clear how strongly I felt at the time), people would ask why, I'd tell them it was since I saw Babe.

I'm not anymore though.


"Age 5-10 (yeah, my parents allowed it after I made it clear how strongly I felt at the time), people would ask why, I'd tell them it was since I saw Babe. "

Age 5-10 when you first watch the movie?


Me? Love that pork chop with rice and beans! YUMMY!


This here is a very quick reaction/response to the oversensitive vegans/vegetarians who took offense at the one comment I made on this board four years ago. First of all, get over it! Second of all, I do realize it was very generalized and it seemed kind of harsh at the time. But do realize that it was thrown in last second, I was just thinking things off the cup. I'm not apologizing for it, though.

Anyways, I just recently saw the Onision video Vegans vs Meat Eaters ( when I was researching for the Top Ten Worst Youtube Partners, and that video just drove me crazy. Because while he did have a lot of videos that were very legit, talking about how eating meat has a lot of adverse health benefits and that it can really hurt you and you die faster if you eat meat than you do vegetables, that one video...that one overly pompous video just ruined it for me.

Another video I recently saw was called Why Must We Eat The Animals ( which is a little propaganda music video. I mean, people aren't gonna say it's propaganda because it's for a good cause and because it's friendly and nice, it's still propaganda! I look at that on the same scale as I do Nazi-Jew propaganda from the 40's. It's on the same fu*king level! Because it's masquerading it like it's "Oh, it's fun! It's for kids!" But it's such hippie bullsh*t!

Like I said, if you're gonna come from the mindset that eating vegetables is healthier, because I think you miss only one vitamin from not eating meat if you just eat vegetables, so it is a healthier lifestyle (which I'll get back to sometime), but I hate these people that make it such a guilt trip! Like "You're killing animals!" Well, I'm not, okay? Just by digesting them, they're already dead! I think you have a bigger problem for eating "live" animals.

Another thing I wanted to address here. My other main problem, and this doesn't have anything to do with vegans...well, I guess it does. Because I thought I was gonna lay easy on them, but I guess not. Vegetarians always try to make it sound like it's such an easy switch. Like some people will address that "You know, it takes time." Well yeah, it takes time! I mean most people (I'm sure, 90% of America) are raised on an omnivore diet, eating both meat and vegetables. You know, you go to fast food restaurants. Fast food restaurants do not have a lot of vegetarian alternatives on their options. And have you gone to a vegetarian restaurant? They are not cheap! This country does not make it easy to be a vegan.

In addition to all these people who want to say they're eating healthy because they're eating vegetables, (or even people in general who turn down a slice of cake or a slice of pie or a cookie, because they say, "Oh, I'm trying to eat better", and then go and eat at a fast food restaurant), people can say this and they can lie to themselves all day long. Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you eat better. Because odds are, if you're not killing yourself with meat, you are killing yourself with either sweets or other sh*t that's bad for you, so don't get on your fu*king soapbox. That's my main problem here, and that is the underlying purpose of this post. I, ebertfan92, do not have a problem with vegans or vegetarians or the vegetarian lifestyle. What I do have a problem with are these uppity, pompous douchebags that make themselves sound like they're so much better for being vegans. Don't be so judgmental, because that's all you're doing, You are judging "meat eaters" just like you claim that "meat eaters" are judging you. I mean I don't see you going around judging smokers. You try to make yourselves sound like you're so open-minded because you have this alternative diet, but you're doing the exact same sh*t. So, don't be pompous, don't be such an elitist about your lifestyle, and try to be more open-minded. Don't fake it!

Bottom line: Animals eat animals and what it all boils down to is that we're animals. So what do you really expect us to do? And something else I want you vegans to stop doing is to stop criticizing and judging other vegans. That's bullsh*t! I mean, that's one thing I really don't like about the lifestyle, because you never know if you're the right kind of vegan. It's like, "Oh, well, I don't meat." "Well do you eat fish?!? Because if you eat fish, you're not one of us!" "Oh, geez. Well, no, I guess I'm not gonna eat fish now." "Well, do you eat eggs!?!" "Well..yeah, I mean, I eat eggs. They're not animals." "THEY'RE UNBORN ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU DRINK MILK?!?!?!?!?!" It's like, "Jesus Christ! Just let me fu*king live my life and get off my ass about it!" I guess it's really what I want to say about the post too. That's my closing statement: I'm ebertfan92. And get off my ass!

2 ma hataz!












LOL, what's with all the deleted posts?

RIP Roger Ebert



