gary oldman was miscast
I still think this is a great movie tho oldman ruins it with his over the top acting and fake acccent , I think Christopher walken woulda been a much better choice
shareI still think this is a great movie tho oldman ruins it with his over the top acting and fake acccent , I think Christopher walken woulda been a much better choice
shareNuclear dog shit take. Yikes. Gary Oldman portrayed one of the best villains of all time.
shareThat’s what I think!! This and True Romance (1993) are my favorites of his villainous roles.
shareIt’s a hilariously bad take 🤣
Sincerely hope the guy’s trolling. People in this thread are actually dumping on Oldman as an actor 🤣🤣
This is the most off kilter post i've ever read. It's like saying Alan Rickman was miscast in Die Hard. Oldman is the best thing about this movie.
shareI can understand how some might feel that Gary Oldman's character was too over the top but I think most people accepted it as a stylistic choice that fit the offbeat European style of the film.
sharenot sure if this was serious because Oldman was so good!
shareOldman was spectacular in this..
shareTotally disagree. This was a really good flick. IMO it was perfectly cast.
shareWho could have played him better? Maybe Jack Nicholson.