MovieChat Forums > It Could Happen to You (1994) Discussion > One of the most racist movies ever made

One of the most racist movies ever made

1)Evil,crooked,vicious hispanic wife
2)Quarrelsome,miser Koreans who never offer free coffee(they even called korean lady a "bitch")
3)Arab looking muslim robbers
4)Cheap,hustling indian-sikh cab driver who never gives you change
5)Nic cage sleeping on the floor because his black friend didn't let him use his couch

but guess what?this movie has two nice,noble,kind characters but they are all white!Does that surprise at all?I mean c'mon....they put nic cage into a multi-racial neighborhood as a guardian angle of all those hispanic,black or asian wonderful is that!

I believe hollywood has come a long way now and it has reduced using these kind of racial stereotypes but it feels bad to see so many racist indications in an otherwise nice,romantic movie.


I think you meant stereotypical, not racist. I still enjoyed the movie, and to be honest with you, all what you mention did not cross my mind until I read your post. I guess some people just can't wait unless they find fault in something. Its still fiction and a good movie. Minorities make movies too that stereotype white people.


Agreed. All white people are bad.


hahahaha this movie sounds hilarious. i kinda wanna see it now. hollywood has gone down the shitter with there pc sjw nonsense we need more good ol movies like this


Don't forget the gays with AIDS!


Oh shut up. What is wrong with people like you??? Do you know how many white people play evil, horrible individuals in films??
Stop bringing race into absolutely everything!!
Lock yourself in a room if you are offended by everything. The world will be a much better place without you.


True. All POC are amazing and angelic.


Realistic you mean. You used the wrong R word.


NOOOOOOO! We can't have realistic movies anymore! Every black needs to be a kang or superhero! Surely this will convince them it's possible! Yes, Cosby tried this in the 80s/90s like many other shows/movies and it didn't work, but surely this time their IQs will magically raise above 80.
