MovieChat Forums > It Could Happen to You (1994) Discussion > One of the most racist movies ever made

One of the most racist movies ever made

1)Evil,crooked,vicious hispanic wife
2)Quarrelsome,miser Koreans who never offer free coffee(they even called korean lady a "bitch")
3)Arab looking muslim robbers
4)Cheap,hustling indian-sikh cab driver who never gives you change
5)Nic cage sleeping on the floor because his black friend didn't let him use his couch

but guess what?this movie has two nice,noble,kind characters but they are all white!Does that surprise at all?I mean c'mon....they put nic cage into a multi-racial neighborhood as a guardian angle of all those hispanic,black or asian wonderful is that!

I believe hollywood has come a long way now and it has reduced using these kind of racial stereotypes but it feels bad to see so many racist indications in an otherwise nice,romantic movie.


Right. Because none of the racial characters you described ever exist in real life. Right? Right?

The races you mentioned never has any member of that race do the things they did in this film. Right? Right?

And white people are never nice or noble. Right? Right?

And white cops never patrol and protect residents in diverse neighborhoods. Right? Right?

I don’t know what they’re teaching you in your kindergarten, but you need to wake up from the paranoid little fantasy land you live in.

Also, movies and shows and books, etc. talk about characters doing things within their one specific story. Period. They aren’t claiming entire races or genders act that way.

Only narrow-minded people like you assume they are.

And if characters in those stories resemble actual people that exist in real life, then it isn’t racist. It’s realistic.

Every race and the two genders have good and bad people. Not being allowed to show the bad is censorship, creatively stifling — and boring.
