I know. I am a conservative and just about every major news organization is liberal. I don't watch Fox either. Then again, I don't watch regular TV. I do only streaming.
I read two 25 anniversary to Forrest Gump article (Indiewire and New York Post) and they both so stupid I feel even a little ridiculous to respond to them but there is a important to answer in order to present a counter to this nonsense. Sometime you need to said the obvious.
There’s a reason the movie became a beacon to an antiquated Republican Party when it came out in the run-up to the 1994 midterm elections: “Forrest Gump” preaches conservatism in its bones, whether its creators intended it that way or not. Through the lens of Tom Hanks’ lovable naif, who somehow stumbles through every monumental moment in American history and emerges unscathed, “Forrest Gump” reads as a repudiation to any nuanced assessment of the country. It celebrates family values and obedience to the system over anyone who clashes with it. Every whiff of rebellion is suspect.
From the very beginning, the author reveals the real reason for the rejection he feels towards the film. Not the reason the movie is non-political but the fact it's not the "right" political view. The author feel bad the movie promote family values (what a "horrible" director). Not really understand what Eric Kohn want. In the movie we seen bad families (Jenny dad for example) and good families and yes the theme of the movie tend toward family values and not unstable relationships but what exactly is the criticism about? Is the fact that a movie displays certain values makes it automatically non-kosher? and I am not agree that family values belong to Republican only. it's human thing. This is in line with the director's claim that the film is not political but about the humanity.
If it preaches conservatism, why did they let Forrest expose Richard Nixon?
If it preaches conservatism, why did they let Forrest be in love with a hippy?
I tend to agree with humanity explain of the director about the movie but it's definitely a conservative in many ways.
I don't agree with your two points. In a film focusing on American history through history you can't skip Watergate and it was funny and easy way to mention it.
About Forrest fell in love with hippy. All Jenny story leads her to early grave, her relationship with Forrest is the only healthy relationship in her life. So in some way Forrest saved her - saved the hippy.
"I tend to agree with humanity explain of the director about the movie but it's definitely a conservative in many ways."
What ways, if I may ask?
"In a film focusing on American history through history you can't skip Watergate and it was funny and easy way to mention it."
While I'm not American, I don't believe that a Republican film-maker would mention the Watergate scandal.
It is too embarrassing even now almost half a century later.
Really, having the protagonist contribute to the fall of Nixon sounds like a Left-Wing thing to do.
"About Forrest fell in love with hippy. All Jenny story leads her to early grave."
True, but Jenny is still Forrest's true love and portrayed as a sweet and loving person despite being a hippy.
Did she ever regret that she slept around until she contracted AIDS?
Frankly, I have to say that the "pure-hearted but promiscuous woman" trope is the opposite of conservatism.
It is normally used when you want to challenge or criticize the status quo of the world in the story.
"Her relationship with Forrest is the only healthy relationship in her life. So in some way Forrest saved her - saved the hippy."
Why it is not okay to portrayed a hippy as sweet and loving?
It's not about the people, it is about the way of life.
Moreover, the fact that she is sweet and kind-hearted only highlights how much this way of life she has chosen has corrupted and destroyed her.
I Don't know how "normally" directors used this trope you talk about, but the reality of the film shows the opposite.
And so what if she died? she don't die because of Forrest. Her encounters with him are the only times she feel safe and happy. Not Forrest infect her with AIDS. She died because her way of life.
"Why it is not okay to portrayed a hippy as sweet and loving?"
That is not what I said.
But I wanted to point out that it hardly is conservative storytelling to not condemn her lifestyle.
"I Don't know how "normally" directors used this trope you talk about, but the reality of the film shows the opposite."
I think a conservative writer would have condemned Jenny much more than this movie did.
Or they would have had her deeply regret her hippy lifestyle, which I don't think she did either.
In a film focusing on American history through history you can't skip Watergate and it was funny and easy way to mention it.
The film DID mention Watergate. It didn't skip it.
'Forest Gump' was in no way conservative, politically. It was arguably conservative in the values it portrays, because the main character faced all kinds of disadvantages in life, and yet managed to persevere. The main message of the film is that you can achieve remarkable things in life regardless of how you were born. It is inspirational, and hopeful in its message.
If modern Liberals are now calling it problematic and "conservative," it says way more about modern liberals than it does about the film. Modern liberals don't want disadvantaged people to believe that they can achieve anything, at all, without government intervention. FUCK, they make me sick.
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Actually, it is more like they didn't want Forrest to achieve anything because he's a white man!
Just look at this quote:
This no-nothing white man becomes a war hero and a wealthy man simply by chugging along, participating in a country that dictates his every move.
Really, I couldn't have made that up!
And it seems like they miss that Forrest had his disabilities just because he's a white man.
So he couldn't possibly have any disadvantages in life!
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No they did not want him to achieve anything bc he was a person with intellectual/developmental disabilities
But it doesn't white wash/dumb down American history. It's actually quite somber
*Forrest's mom has to perform sexual favors with the school personnel in to get him into the 'public school' This is the era prior to special education--so she is going to do whatever it takes to ensure he goes to school too. People don't have to do that today they can enroll their kids/relatives directly and take legal action when/if the schools harass them and/or the kids. Today the public school has to admit and educate anybody regardless of type/severity of disability.
*Even though he was a war vet Lt Dan could not find any job after Vietnam initially and is living in a flophouse apartment drinking and having sex with hookers. This is because it is legal for most apartments to deny him access and most places of employment to outright refuse to hire him just because of a disability during the early 1970's. So receiving welfare is his only option even though staying at home and watching tv IS boring.
*Lt Dan and Gump can't find anybody who will hire them they have to go into a job for themselves. And that is when they at last become financially successful. It compresses things yes. But it explains that people with disabilities have trouble getting hired and have to make small businesses for themselves in order to be successful and productive.
*Jenny IS removed from her dad's physical...etc abuse but she never initially receives any type of counseling to work through the mental etc scars. So she attempts to self-medicate with drugs and really trashy guys who were not Forrest. She dies from another disability at the end of the movie. She did apparently receive rehabilitation in order to hold down the job at the diner (by the 1980s places were drug testing)
I do consider myself a liberal but I am also a person with a disability so I understood many incidents in this movie. The problem is that the average viewer has no idea re disability studies/history. So the significance of these events probably will go over them.
For the republicans it is not the government, it is the constitution that important.
This is the correct explain of the covid situation.
And as I said also family values are common in most left also, I guess Eric Kohn is what we called a "new left", maybe Neo-Marxist and believe as many of them in dismantling of the western family unit.
I don't like that you say that "all Republicans" refuse the vaccine.
It is not that black and white.
Personally, I happen to be a Republican supporter and a really fierce vaccine advocate.
And as for family values, I would say that supporting abortions is what's backwards.
Really, it is a prejudice too that you have to be religious to object to abortions.
Personally, I happen to be a Republican supporter and a really fierce vaccine advocate.
I *knew* there were some normal republicans out there!. You just get drowned out by the fanatics on the politics page
Which side iof the fence are you on with the great "commies fixed the election" debate?
re abortions i would suspect its more often than not religious but not all the time and i respect your opinion on that.
and , like you say what pubs and dems support is not a black and white list and i dont see why an opinion on abortion would be dictated by your left or right polictical leanings.
This is what i was getting at.
The list of values, good and bad ,attributed to left or right just boggles my mind.
Leftys want to do away with families? what ?
rightys hate black people ? surely not !
As I'm not American, I'm not a Republican but only what I call a "Republican supporter".
But the groups who object to Covid restrictions and vaccines here in Sweden are the same as in the US.
They are mostly very right-wing or very religious or immigrants or young people who just don't care.
But we've got fewer religious people who want no restrictions or vaccines here than you've got in the US.
They do exist though.
As much as I'm conservative on some issues though, I won't side with the nutcases about the Covid.
Since I have diabetes, I'm horrified by this virus and can't understand why some people refuse the vaccine.
They must either be much healthier than I am or believe that Heaven will receive them right away if they die.
Again though, they have no excuse to ignore that they can spread the virus to other people.
But they still are that stubborn and can't seem to understand their civil duty.
So they just talk about "my body, my choice" or about how no church should have to follow the rules of men.
It is really aggravating...
I believe that the election result is correct because Trump still got almost 47 % of the votes.
But alas, some people had to make fools of themselves afterwards and make all Republicans look bad.
It is very easy to just see the extremes on the other side, because that is what stands out to you.
But if you agree with a person, they will seem just normal to you.
And instead, you are going to focus on what you consider to be out of the ordinary.
It celebrates family values and obedience to the system over anyone who clashes with it. Every whiff of rebellion is suspect.
The "obedience to the system" undergoes interpretive distortion by the writer. The thing a called obedience is other word to patriotism and taking responsibility for your life. Because of the left radicalization in the United States we forget that the movie represent a all-american values about the american dream and american life in general.
This no-nothing white man becomes a war hero and a wealthy man simply by chugging along, participating in a country that dictates his every move.
Surprise surprise someone pulled out the "shame the white card". This is so typical for the radical left use the term privilege about race and not life circumstances. Forrest was born autistic and still reached greatness.
He never comprehends racism or the complexities of Vietnam; the movie portrays political activism and hippy culture as a giant cartoon beyond Forrest’s understanding, while presenting his apolitical stance as the height of all virtue.
Lets start by said that you can find some bad conservative people same as liberals. The fact the film also reveals the hidden sides of the flower generation is one of the reasons I loved the movie.
That strikes a notable contrast to the radical energy of several movies released the same year, including Spike Lee’s “Crooklyn” and “Natural Born Killers,” which provide much savvier explorations of American society and its various fragmented pieces through their sharp narrative frameworks.
As many young liberal in USA today they demand that every film must contain criticism of the establishment and if not the film is illegitimate. The hypocrisy... in his view the film criticizes hippie culture and he opposes to it - In other word: A critical film is good as long as it favors my positions. reply share
Viewed today, “Forrest Gump” has the eerie aura of a science fiction movie, with its wandering central figure coming across like an alien who perceives every meaningful aspect of the world around him as so foreign he can only gaze back at it and speak his mind. However, the movie was prescient in one significant fashion. It presents a grinning idiot savant as epitomizing everything about America, suggesting that he could catapult to fame and fortune he doesn’t really earn, while people enduring genuine struggles to make a difference in the world struggle all the way to the grave. To that end, for better or worse, “Forrest Gump” was ahead of its time.
The movie is actually reflects a period that people do not blame their failure in life on the system or America; A time when people did not waste their time crying about how the world is cruel; A time when people did everything to make their dream come true; A time when people appreciate success and not be as jealous of them as Eric Kohn; A time when people knew how to appreciate good and simple American values.
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“Forrest Gump” preaches conservatism in its bones, whether its creators intended it that way or not.
It doesn't matter. If you preach about morality, belief in God, strong family values, working hard, patriotism, not blaming everyone else for your troubles, it just comes off as preaching conservatism.