MovieChat Forums > Forrest Gump (1994) Discussion > Forrest Gump is a terrible, misogynistic...

Forrest Gump is a terrible, misogynistic, and racist film.

The entire movie presents a naive, parochial, saccharine vomit-inducing view of the 1960's. I don't even understand the crux or message of the movie at all. Is it that you don't need to be "sophisticated" to succeed in life? Or perhaps that conformity and not questioning authority or the status quo is the path to prosperity and fulfillment? That all leftists are domestic abusers, militant freaks, or drug addicts? I have no clue.

The racist aspect manifests in the fact that not one black character is portrayed in a positive light. All of them are mocking caricatures. Bubba is arguably more severely mentally retarded than Forrest, and serves no purpose but to make Forrest look more intelligent and to give him purpose (of course he's immediately killed off). There's also the caricatured depiction of the Black Panther Party, parroting slanderous myths perpetuated by the FBI to tarnish their image and paint them as a criminal, militant organization. Bubba's mother is a Mammy stereotype. It portrays Forrest inspiring Elvis's dance moves, which in reality were inspired by black artists. In the film, Forrests busts the watergate scandal when in reality, a black man, Frank Wills, did.

Jenny is a caricature of an abused woman. The filmmakers indulge in the myth that sexually abused women and girls are sexually promiscuous, and she is also portrayed as being manipulative. Forrest's mother has sex with the principal so that Forrest can attend a normal school.

so yeah, in short, fuck this film.


The Black Panthers are a militant, criminal organization. Thus, the accurate depiction.


what honestly was forrest's mother supposed to do?? there was no special education back then?? This wouldn't exist until 1975!! This is another reason why super wealthy people like the Kennedys....etc sent away their children to boarding schools for 'individual' attention' Don't look @ it from 2020 culture/laws. Think what you would resort to/your wife if you had no money and the state said that your child could not enroll in the public school system bc of a disability. What you would have to resort to if you could not afford a private school. Yes you might not like the options. but the movie makes a lot if sense then. Life was tough.


>what honestly was forrest's mother supposed to do??

An abortion.


that was illegal back then...if she did not have the money to put him in private school she would not have had money to go overseas for an abortion


Abortion being illegal has never stopped women before. In fact studies show that legalization actually decreases abortion and significantly decreases the number of deaths from falsely done underground abortions.


I agree with you---I am pointing out that the movie was trying to show forrests mother wasn't 'rich' and what she did 'resort' to even if other people may have thought it was 'sexist' or 'low-class'. For all we know she may have had to undergo an illegal abortion as a result of having gotten forrest into school....etc The movie (bc it it told from forrest's view) does not show that....the same way we do not see Jenny giving birth


why would you post that shit?

the deranged rantings of some random nobody on reddit?
its just not nice.
Did you think there was a shortage of "this film is racist" threads on the site?
do us all a favour and delete it.


Uh, no! Why don't you tell us why you don't think that the film is racist instead of demanding me to delete this shit!


just read the other 2 pages of replies. does anyone agree?
is there anyone not saying the author is either a moron or a troll?


I hate this movie too; but geesh is this is a load of crap or what; Forrest Gump a racist and misgoynistic film? give me a break. Can't something just be a stupid movie without try to dissect imaginary hidden dark messaging. A movie can just suck because it sucks; no more deeper agenda to hide.


Don't feed the trolls.


Moral of your post, it's ok to shit on white male but not ok to shit on anyone else. Where have I heard that one before.



Forrest Gump and the Destruction of the American Dream

In this episode of the Cinebros Podcast, Tyler tries to present a case of why American classic Forrest Gump actually spits in the face of the American dream, and Luke tries to convince him why that's insane.


Then they'll discuss the mythical tale of the naughty boy who blew up his goldfish.


The movie is seen through is point of view. He is handicapped mentally so of course we get a very glossed over and almost surreal view.


Nice try, troll. I refuse to engage.


That's too funny honey.
