MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Favorite and least favorite of the main ...

Favorite and least favorite of the main six characters and why?

Favorite - Phoebe because she's so hilarious, and I love her character's look.
Least favorite - Chandler. I think he's okay, but nothing special. His jokes don't makes me laugh as enough.

There's something wrong with Esther.


Favorite - Ross. Would be annoying in real life, but hilarious comedic moments on the show. Honestly don't understand all the hate. Followed by Chandler. Nice guy, quips keep the show moving.
Least favorite - Phoebe. Bitchy as hell. And honestly, should have been asked why she hated Chandler so much. Episodes where she tries to break Chandler/Monica engagement was mean and disrespectful to both.


Same as above. I loved all the awkward situations Ross got into and how well Schwimmer performed physical comedy.
Phoebe I just found the least funny and her storylines were the least interesting to me. Also, +1 on the bitchiness in later seasons.


Favorite Male: Chandler I loved his sarcastic sense of humor and he could always makes me laugh. Doesn't take himself too seriously.
Favorite female: Monica, her OCPD, her insecurity but very confident as a chef.

Least favorite male: Ross never liked him. I couldn't stand listening to his whiny voice, sounds like he talks through his nose.
Least favorite female: Phoebe, too ditsy and scattered brain. When she talked you needed a map to try to figure out her logic and thought process.


Favourite:Chandler and Joey.Chandler was my favourite until 5th season,from then on it was Joey. These are the only two characters that actually made me lough out loud.
Least favourite:Monica. She is whiny,selfish,self centered,arrogant,and control freak and high-maintenance,two things I hate the most. Not to mention not funny at all


Favourite: cross between Ross and Chandler. Seasons 1-5 definitely Chandler but I felt he lost it in the later seasons but Ross got funnier and funnier

Least: Easily Phoebe. Apart from a select few, her jokes left me cold and I just don't find her a particularly nice person. I could quite happily watch Friends without Phoebe in it.

"What you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how can a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


I agree


Favourite: Chandler. He's the funniest of all the six characters. I laugh the most at his jokes. He is also caring, sweet and showed immense character growth throughout the series.

Least Favourite: It's a tie between Phoebe and Rachel. Can't stand either of them.


Fave - Monica. Was a wonderful, well-rounded character
Least - Rachel. Self-involved and selfish!

To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?


Wow self-involved AND selfish? Oh wait, that's the same thing.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Favorite - Chandler or Ross becuz both are hilarious dorky characters that suck at everything and i find that character type funny.
Worst - Phoebe because she is a annoying and bitchy hipster who would be a terrible friend in real life


Favorite - Chandler. I probably wouldn't like the charecter as much if someone else played him, but Perry absolutely nailed the role.

Least favorite - Ross. Schwimmer is terrific at the physical comedy, but I didn't care fot the character as he was written.

Hello there!
