MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Favorite and least favorite of the main ...

Favorite and least favorite of the main six characters and why?

Favorite - Phoebe because she's so hilarious, and I love her character's look.
Least favorite - Chandler. I think he's okay, but nothing special. His jokes don't makes me laugh as enough.

There's something wrong with Esther.


Chandler - He's one of the best characters of the modern era. There's really nothing to dislike about the guy. He's humble, generally nice, giving, funny, smart, etc.

Rachel - Me me ME! That's all it ever is.


Hahahaha! That cracks me up, because for me, it's EASILY

Favorite: Chandler, because he's adorable and funny, and I love every second he's on-screen.
Least Favorite: Phoebe, because she's bitchy, weird, and unfunny. I rarely liked a single thing she did or said.

So to each, their own! 


I really don't have a favorite. They have all had their shining moments. But I really, really dislike Ross. I don't find him attractive. (The episode with the tattoos when he says to Rachel, "Can you do...stuff?" makes my skin crawl.) He is whiny and even tho he was probably the smartest with his PhD he played it as if he were stupid. The whole break up with Rachel was totally his fault. His jealousy over Mark was so over the top. He didn't trust Rachel and pushed and pushed until she broke. He was lucky she took him back but then turned around and made out like it was her fault after he read her letter. Maybe it's a guy thing which I wouldn't know about but to break up and then sleep with another woman on the same day is heinous. Whew! Guess I didn't know the extent of my hate for this character! Lol!


My favorite would be Chandler, by far. I like Ross a lot, but can't stand when he is whiny and entitled. People complain about Joey's womanizing, but I don't think that's true. He sleeps around a lot, yes, but that doesn't mean he's treating them badly. Sometimes people are just looking for a hookup. It's not like he tells the woman they're starting a relationship just to sleep with her. They know what they're getting into. Monica is a good character at first, but in the later seasons, I can't stand how she treats Chandler like a "yes, dear" husband and how he becomes one, and I can't stand how shrill she gets. Phoebe and Rachel I just cannot stand at all. Phoebe was good at the beginning, but when she never apologized for anything, and became really bitchy, was rude and selfish and had no redeeming qualities. Rachel was extremely selfish and entitled and acted like the whole world revolved around her. She led Ross on for years, showing no interest in him when he was single and then going after him when he was in a relationship, only to give up that interest when he was single again.

If I were to rank them:



Favorite: Monica
Least favorite: Phoebe

And NOBODY in all of Oz,
No wizard that there is or was,
Is ever gonna bring me down!


Least Favorite:Monica


joey the favorite; he is just funny

monica least favorite (she's a bossy bitch)




Friendship between Joey and Chandler was the most genuine, Phoebe was a stand alone funny character. But when the three of them shared scenes it was at it's best.
Ross and Rachel was a bit boring imo. Monica was too much 'shouty woman'.
I'd put Gunther (hope I've spelt that correctly) inbetween top 3 and bottom 3.


Favourite - Chandler, because he seems the most normal and he has a good sense of humour.

Least favourite - Rachel, because she is a selfish, spiteful, spoilt bitch.



Favorite - Chandler, cus I love his sense of humor; Rachel comes in a close second thanks to her character development, though.
Least favorite - Joey. He was okay in the beginning, but, by the end of the show, he was much more childish and annoying.


Favourite - Ross
Least Favourite/s - Phoebe , I didn't mind her when I was younger but now I find her irritating


Favourite - Phoebe and Chandler - because they are both so naturally talented comedian/comediennes and they are both quite pretty/ handsome too.

Least favourite - Rachel - partly because of Jennifer Aniston and her 'performance' in Derailed, partly because I have no sympathy for the whiny, spoilt, overly complicated, self obsessed, nightmare she starts off as and she doesn't get any/much better as the show progressed.

